A heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-5H-imidazol-4-one formed by the metabolism of creatine.
Examples of creatinine in the following topics:
Renal Disease and Failure
- Renal failure uremia is a syndrome of renal failure characterized by elevated levels of urea and creatinine in the blood.
- This is detected by a decrease in or absence of urine production or determination of waste products (creatinine or urea) in the blood.
- Renal failure can be divided into two categories: acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease .The type of renal failure is determined by the trend in the serum creatinine.
- Renal failure uremia is a syndrome of renal failure that includes elevated blood urea and creatinine levels.
- Diagnostic tests include BUN and plasma creatinine level tests.
Tubular Secretion
- Hydrogen, creatinine, and drugs are removed from the blood and into the collecting duct through the peritubular capillary network.
- At this final stage it is only approximately one percent of the originally filtered volume, consisting mostly of water with highly diluted amounts of urea, creatinine, and variable concentrations of ions.
Chemical Composition of Urine
- The normal chemical composition of urine is mainly water content, but it also includes nitrogenous molecules, such as urea, as well as creatinine and other metabolic waste components.
Edema Caused by Loss of Plasma Proteins
- Microalbuminuria between 30 and 300 mg/24h, mg/l of urine or µg/mg of creatinine can be a forerunner of diabetic nephropathy.
Diagnostic Blood Tests
- A basic metabolic panel measures sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), magnesium, creatinine, glucose, and sometimes includes calcium.
Pulmonary Edema
- Blood tests are performed for electrolytes (sodium, potassium) and markers of renal function (creatinine, urea).
Overview of Urine Formation
- During secretion some substances±such as hydrogen ions, creatinine, and drugs—will be removed from the blood through the peritubular capillary network into the collecting duct.
- Renal acidosis is associated with an accumulation of urea and creatinine as well as metabolic acid residues of protein catabolism.
- The counter-current flow of the blood and dialysate maximizes the concentration gradient of solutes between the blood and dialysate, which helps to remove more urea and creatinine from the blood.
- Waste products excreted from the fetus—urea, uric acid, and creatinine—are transferred to the maternal blood by diffusion across the placenta.