Britannia Rules/Britianna Sucks — Mix & Mash Your View

The Creative Commons UK:England & Wales team have launched a film remix contest — “Mix & Mash” — in association with Google UK. The theme is “Britannia Rules, Britannia Sucks.”

The competition invites short video submissions mixing and mashing digital content that are less than 3 minutes in length. You can only use content that you can license to the public under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 license.

Submissions can be made from the 8th of February to the 10th of March. The winners will be notified by the 12th of March. The best entries will be screened at the National Film Theatre on 16 March as part of the Optronica Festival. The winner will also receive Avid Xpress Pro film editing software and have their entry featured by Google Video UK and on the Creative Commons UK site.