CC Network: Now with Promo Codes!

CC Network LogoOne thing Nathan and John have been working on under the hood of the Creative Commons Network over the last couple of months is a promotional code system which gives us (and you) more flexibility when purchasing account subscriptions.

Starting today, when you donate $50 or more to Creative Commons ($25 for students), you’ll be sent an e-mail with a link will let you either renew your current CC Network account, or sign up with a new one.

This promo code can be used by you, or if you want, you can gift it to a friend by just forwarding them the email with the link.

Just remember, individual promo codes can only be used once so use them wisely!

2 thoughts on “CC Network: Now with Promo Codes!”

  1. Hi John,

    Accounts that are not current on payments (ie after a year without renewal in the typical case) will go to inactive status, but works registered to that point will still be visible. Fred will provide more detailed information before any accounts actually expire. 🙂

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