REMINDER: CC Salon LA Next Week (9/3/08): Xeni Jardin and GOOD Magazine

A friendly reminder that we are hosting the latest CC Salon LA next week (9/3/08) at the FOUND Gallery in Silverlake (Google map) between 7:30PM-9:30PM. Joining us will be Xeni Jardin, Tech Culture Journalist and co-editor at Boing Boing, and Casey Caplowe, Creative Director of GOOD Magazine. Both will discuss how CC, and ‘openness’ in … Read More “REMINDER: CC Salon LA Next Week (9/3/08): Xeni Jardin and GOOD Magazine”

Announcing September's CC Salon NYC

After the success of July’s CC Salon NYC, we’re even more excited about inviting you to September’s! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, Michael Galpert … Read More “Announcing September's CC Salon NYC”