Open Textbooks 4 Africa

Open Textbooks 4 Africa

Open Textbooks for Africa Logo, by: Kelsey Wiens, CC BY 4.0 This is a guest blog post written by Kelsey Wiens, founder of Open Textbooks for Africa and public lead for Creative Commons South Africa. On March 11-12, 45 experts from around the world and across South Africa met to discuss opportunities for Open Textbooks … Read More “Open Textbooks 4 Africa”

Open Education Week Banner

Happy Open Education Week!

Open Education Week 2016 Banner, by: Open Education Consortium, CC BY 4.0 Happy Open Education Week everyone! Open Education Week is an annual convening of the global open education movement to share ideas, new open education projects and to raise awareness about open education and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Join this weeklong celebration of … Read More “Happy Open Education Week!”

Open Education Week: 7-11 March, 2016: Call for Participation

Open Education Week 2016: Call for Participation, by: Open Education Consortium, CC BY 4.0 The Open Education Week planning committee invites your contributions to and participation in the 2016 Open Education Week (#openeducationwk), featuring online and in-person events around the world. There are many ways to participate – including but not limited to: host an event help … Read More “Open Education Week: 7-11 March, 2016: Call for Participation”

OER: A Catalyst for Innovation

  The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published its latest Open Educational Resources (OER) report yesterday: Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation, Educational Research and Innovation. (PDF) The report covers the following topics: OER in educational policy and practice OER as a catalyst for innovation Fostering new forms of learning for the … Read More “OER: A Catalyst for Innovation”

Towards a Collaborative, Coordinated Strategy for OER Implementation

Game Plan. By Rob Armes, CC BY 3.0 Today, the OER community releases the Foundations for OER Strategy Development. This document provides a concise analysis of where the global OER movement currently stands: what the common threads are, where the greatest opportunities and challenges lie, and how we can more effectively work together as a … Read More “Towards a Collaborative, Coordinated Strategy for OER Implementation”

US Dept. of Education proposes Open Licensing Policy. CC joins White House announcement.

    Yesterday, Creative Commons joined the U.S. Department of Education (ED) for a series of important announcements that will advance OER in grades PreK-12 across the United States. ED announced the launch of its #GoOpen campaign to encourage states, school districts and educators to use Open Educational Resources (OER). OER, made “open” by CC … Read More “US Dept. of Education proposes Open Licensing Policy. CC joins White House announcement.”