Donate $50. Get a t-shirt.

At your right is our t-shirt model, Timothy Vollmer, also CC’s Policy Coordinator. He is sporting the limited edition run of the teal “I Love to Share” t-shirt. Do you have one? If you do, join our Flickr pool and show us you love to share. If you don’t, you can give to Creative Commons … Read More “Donate $50. Get a t-shirt.”

CC kicks off its 9th year with incoming CEO Cathy Casserly and a successful year-end campaign

Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. A warm thank you to all of our supporters! Our 2010 campaign raised $522,151.25 from 1,139 individual supporters and 22 companies. A huge thanks to our Board of Directors and all of our corporate sponsors, including 3taps, Tucows, … Read More “CC kicks off its 9th year with incoming CEO Cathy Casserly and a successful year-end campaign”