New Chilean Law Would Make it Harder for Authors to Freely Share Audiovisual Works

In May we learned that Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approved an amendment to a bill that would create a new, unwaivable right of remuneration for authors of audiovisual works. The law would apply to all audiovisual works, even those published under open licenses. This would mean that audio and video creators are supposed to be compensated … Read More “New Chilean Law Would Make it Harder for Authors to Freely Share Audiovisual Works”


Uruguayan rights holders seek to roll back progressive copyright reform

Law, by Woody Hibbard, CC BY 2.0 Uruguay is in the process of updating its copyright law, and in April a bill was preliminarily approved in the Senate. The law introduces changes that would benefit students, librarians, researchers, and the general public by legalizing commonplace digital practices, adding orphan works exceptions, and removing criminal penalties … Read More “Uruguayan rights holders seek to roll back progressive copyright reform”

Public access to research language retained in U.S. spending bill

Last year, the U.S. Congress included a provision in its appropriations legislation that would ensure that some research conducted through federal spending would be made accessible online, for free. It mandated that a subset of federal agencies with research budgets of at least $100 million per year would be required provide the public with free … Read More “Public access to research language retained in U.S. spending bill”

Supporting Copyright Reform

Today Creative Commons released a policy statement expressing its support for copyright reform efforts around the world. Creative Commons (CC) has enabled a new approach to copyright licensing over the last ten years. CC licenses facilitate novel social, educational, technological, and business practices, and support productive relationships around networked knowledge and culture. We are dedicated … Read More “Supporting Copyright Reform”

Bill Enabling Community Colleges to Establish OER Pilot Program is signed into law

Last week, a bill enabling the California Community Colleges to integrate open educational resources (OER) into its core curriculum was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. AB 2261 authorizes the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges “to establish a pilot program to provide faculty and staff from community college districts around the state with … Read More “Bill Enabling Community Colleges to Establish OER Pilot Program is signed into law”

Seeking a ccLearn Counsel

ccLearn has re-opened the search for a ccLearn counsel. Note that the job title has been changed from the previous search to better reflect our high priority for someone with relevant and reasonably deep experience in intellectual property and copyright law. Though we had many superlative candidates for our initial round, we found that no … Read More “Seeking a ccLearn Counsel”