Tell the Department of Education 'YES' on open licensing

In October we wrote that the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is considering an open licensing requirement for direct competitive grant programs. If adopted, educational resources created with ED grant funds will be openly licensed for the public to freely use, share, and build upon. The Department of Education has been running a comment period in which interested parties can provide … Read More “Tell the Department of Education 'YES' on open licensing”

Towards a Collaborative, Coordinated Strategy for OER Implementation

Game Plan. By Rob Armes, CC BY 3.0 Today, the OER community releases the Foundations for OER Strategy Development. This document provides a concise analysis of where the global OER movement currently stands: what the common threads are, where the greatest opportunities and challenges lie, and how we can more effectively work together as a … Read More “Towards a Collaborative, Coordinated Strategy for OER Implementation”

US Dept. of Education proposes Open Licensing Policy. CC joins White House announcement.

    Yesterday, Creative Commons joined the U.S. Department of Education (ED) for a series of important announcements that will advance OER in grades PreK-12 across the United States. ED announced the launch of its #GoOpen campaign to encourage states, school districts and educators to use Open Educational Resources (OER). OER, made “open” by CC … Read More “US Dept. of Education proposes Open Licensing Policy. CC joins White House announcement.”

Obama administration should require sharing of federally funded educational resources under Creative Commons licenses

White House by Diego Cambiaso, available under the CC BY-SA license. Today, Creative Commons and a broad coalition of education, library, technology, public interest, and legal organizations are calling upon the White House to take administrative action to ensure that federally funded educational materials are made available as Open Educational Resources (OER) for the public … Read More “Obama administration should require sharing of federally funded educational resources under Creative Commons licenses”

Help bridge our open communities: Open Coalition Project Coordinator Job

Construction of the Story Bridge, Brisbane, 1939 / State Library Queensland / No known copyright restrictions Last November, a bunch of us from Wikimedia, Mozilla, P2PU, OKFN, Creative Commons, School of Open, and other communities got together for a session at Mozfest called “Collaborations across the Open Space.” That session not only laid the groundwork … Read More “Help bridge our open communities: Open Coalition Project Coordinator Job”