
Open Access Policy In Practice: A Perspective from the Wellcome Trust

It’s Open Access Week 2016. Open Access Week is an annual week-long event that highlights the importance of sharing scientific and scholarly research and data. Its goal is to educate people on the benefits of open publishing, advocate for changes to policy and practice, and build a community to collaborate on these issues. This year’s … Read More “Open Access Policy In Practice: A Perspective from the Wellcome Trust”

Vancouver Foundation announces first CC BY policy for a Canadian foundation

Vancouver Foundation has announced that it will adopt an open licensing policy by January 2017. The foundation will require that all projects and research funded through community advised grant programs be licensed and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY). In addition, the foundation has pledged to license their own intellectual … Read More “Vancouver Foundation announces first CC BY policy for a Canadian foundation”

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to require CC BY for all grant-funded research

Philanthropic foundations fund the creation of scholarly research, education and training materials, and rich data with the public good in mind. Creative Commons has long advocated for foundations to add open license requirements to their grants. Releasing grant-funded content under permissive open licenses means that materials may be more easily shared and re-used by the … Read More “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to require CC BY for all grant-funded research”

Hewlett Foundation extends CC BY policy to all grantees

Last week the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation announced that it is extending its open licensing policy to require that all content (such as reports, videos, white papers) resulting from project grant funds be licensed under the most recent Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. From the Foundation’s blog post: “We’re making this change because … Read More “Hewlett Foundation extends CC BY policy to all grantees”

Creative Commons’ Foundation Engagement Project

Creative Commons received a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to survey the licensing policies of private foundations, and to work toward increasing the free availability of foundation-supported works. We are still pursuing this objective, but here’s where we are at the moment. Tax-exempt private foundations are non-profit institutions exclusively devoted to benefitting … Read More “Creative Commons’ Foundation Engagement Project”