Examples of applicable in the following topics:
- Critical thinking has many practical applications, such as formulating a workable solution to a complex personal problem, deliberating in a group setting about what course of action to take, or analyzing the assumptions and methods used in arriving at a scientific hypothesis.
- The concepts and principles of critical thinking can be applied to any context or case, but only by reflecting upon the nature of that application.
- Make sure that you reiterate the thesis statement from your introduction, highlight the most important points from your speech, and then relate the concepts of the speech back to reality so your audience can see how it is applicable to their world.
- Public speaking skills can be used to influence the world through public leadership and in personal day-to-day applications.
- Fortunately, there are inexpensive teleprompter software applications as well as free web-based teleprompter applications, which will allow you to use a teleprompter to help you deliver sermons, deliver speeches, and create quality audios.
- Prezi is a free application which allows you to create visual presentations by zooming in, out and around your visual workspace.Instead of individual slides, these ZUI's (zoom user interface) are based on one infinite canvas on which all content is presented.
- The primary elements of the typical job application--the resume, cover letter, and interview--are tough to ace, since rigid formatting makes it difficult to stand out from the crowd.
- Analogy is important not only in ordinary language and common sense (where proverbs and idioms give many examples of its application ), but also in science, philosophy, and the humanities.
- Organizations typically use dry boards, which use dry erase markers for easy application and removal.
- Informative process speeches work to help your audience both understand the process, and possibly be able to replicate the process for themselves (if applicable).
- Users can tweet via the Twitter website, compatible external applications (such as for smartphones), or by SMS text messages.