Examples of shock in the following topics:
- Circulatory shock, commonly known simply as shock, is a life-threatening medical condition that occurs due to inadequate substrates for aerobic cellular respiration.
- In some people with circulatory shock, blood pressure remains stable.
- Specific subtypes of shock may have additional symptoms.
- Obstructive shock is caused by an obstruction of blood flow outside of the heart.
- Septic shock is the most common cause of distributive shock and is caused by an overwhelming systemic infection that cannot be cleared by the immune system, resulting in vasodilation and hypotension.
- The clinical manifestation of shock varies depending on the type of shock and the individual, but there are some general symptoms.
- The presentation of shock varies.
- Specific subtypes of shock may have additional symptoms.
- The symptoms of cardiogenic shock are similar to those of hypovolemic shock.
- The symptoms of neurogenic shock are distinct from those of classical shock, as the heart rate slows and and superficial vessels vasodilate and warm the skin.
- Heat shock response is a cell's response to intense heat, including up-regulation of heat shock proteins.
- Heat shock response is the cellular response to heat shock includes the transcriptional up-regulation of genes encoding heat shock proteins (HSPs) as part of the cell's internal repair mechanism .
- The up-regulation of HSPs during heat shock is generally controlled by a single transcription factor; in eukaryotes this regulation is performed by heat shock factor (HSF), while σ32 is the heat shock sigma factor in Escherichia coli.
- Heat shock protein come in many sizes.
- This is an example of small heat shock proteins produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clonal Variants Isolated from Diverse Niches.
- Suppose we randomly selected four individuals to participate in the "shock" study.
- P(A = refuse, B = shock, C = shock, D = shock)
- = P(A = refuse) P(B = shock) P(C = shock) P(D = shock)
- Verify that the scenario where Brittany is the only one to refuse to give the most severe shock has probability (0.35)1(0.65)3.
- P(A = shock, B = refuse, C = shock, D = shock) = (0.65)(0.35)(0.65)(0.65) = (0.35)1(0.65)3.
- A positive demand shock increases the demand (not the quantity demanded), while a negative demand shock decreases the demand.
- In both cases, the shock impacts the price of the good or service.
- Demand shocks may originate from tax rates, money supply, and government spending.
- Demand shocks directly impact investment.
- Positive demand shocks increase consumer spending.
- The opposite extreme is that the shock heats the gas sufficiently that radiative losses are important near the shock and the gas rapidly cools.
- In this case we must abandon the conservation of energy flux through the shock (fourth equation of this chapter) and find another criterion to understand how the gas changes through the shock.
- Just above the flux the flow enters the shock slightly supersonically and leaves subsonically.
- The ratio of the energy flux entering the radiative shock to that leaving is given by
- This yields a minimum energy ratio for the isothermal shock of
- Aggregate supply shocks, such as increases in the costs of resources, can cause the Phillips curve to shift.
- Stagflation caused by a aggregate supply shock.
- The stagflation of the 1970's was caused by a series of aggregate supply shocks.
- In this example of a negative supply shock, aggregate supply decreases and shifts to the left.
- Give examples of aggregate supply shock that shift the Phillips curve
- The various points outline how the gas changes as it passes through the shock and burns.
- In the case of a shock without a chemical change there is no minimum velocity jump.
- This special situation often arises when the combustion itself creates the shock.
- If the postshock gas is traveling subsonically relatively to the shock then the rarefaction wave will eventually catch up to the back of the shock reducing the flux through the shock by reducing the postshock pressure and shock velocity relative to the preshock gas until the minimum flux is achieved.
- The point $E$ for example has a lower entropy than point $C$ so the gas cannot pass from $C$$C$to $E$ either immediately after the shock or through a subsequent shock.
- An organism responds with numerous reactions during each of the four stages of shock in an attempt to maintain cellular homeostasis.
- Circulatory shock, commonly known simply as shock, is a life-threatening medical condition that occurs due to inadequate substrate for aerobic cellular respiration.
- There are four stages of shock.
- The increase in acidity will initiate the Cushing reflex, generating the classic symptoms of shock.
- At the refractory stage, the vital organs have failed and shock can no longer be reversed.
- Let's stand in the frame of the shock.
- What goes into the shock must come out of the shock.
- The fluid enters the shock supersonically and leaves the shock subsonically.
- It is not obvious from the expression but the post-shock temperature always exceeds the pre-shock value.
- The velocity difference vanishes for small shocks and grows as the area of the box as the shock grows.