Sports Announcer

What is this job like?

Announcers, in general, present music, news, and sports and may provide commentary or interview guests about these or other important topics. Some act as masters of ceremonies (emcees) or disc jockeys (DJs) at weddings, parties, or clubs.

Sports announcers, specifically, specialize in sports and sporting events.

Many announcers work in radio and television studios. Some announcers are self-employed; others work part-time.

How do you get ready?

Educational requirements for announcers vary. Radio and television announcers typically need a bachelor’s degree in journalism, broadcasting, or communications, along with work experience gained from internships or working at their college radio or television station. Public address announcers typically need a high school diploma. Both occupations will typically need some short-term on-the-job training.

How much does this job pay?

The median annual wage for radio and television announcers was $31,400 in May 2016.

How many jobs are there?

Announcers held about 52,500 jobs in 2014.

What about the future?

Employment of announcers is projected to decline 11 percent from 2014 to 2024. Experienced, formally trained announcers should have the best job prospects.

Some information on this page has been provided by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics.

More details ⇣: 
Announcers, in general, present music, news, and sports and may provide commentary or interview guests about these other important topics. Some act as masters of ceremonies (emcees) or disc jockeys (DJs) at weddings, parties, or clubs.
Sports announcers, specifically, focus on sports and sporting events.
Radio and television announcers typically do the following:
  • Present music, news, sports, the weather, the time, and commercials
  • Interview guests and moderate panels or discussions on their shows
  • Announce station programming information, such as program schedules, station breaks for commercials, or public service information
  • Research topics for comment and discussion during shows
  • Read prepared scripts on radio or television shows
  • Comment on important news stories
  • Provide commentary for the audience during sporting events, at parades, and on other occasions
  • Select program content
  • Make promotional appearances at public or private events
Radio and television announcers present music or the news and comment on important current events. Announcers are expected to be up-to-date with current events or a specific field, such as politics or sports, so that they can comment on these issues during their programs. They may research and prepare information on current topics before appearing on air. In addition, announcers schedule guests on their shows and work with producers to develop other creative content.
The following are examples of types of radio and television announcers:
Disc jockeys, or DJs, broadcast music for radio stations. They typically specialize in one kind of music genre and announce selections as they air them. While on air, DJs comment on the music being broadcast as well as on weather and traffic conditions. They may take requests from listeners, interview guests, or manage listener contests.
Talk show hosts may work in radio or television and specialize in a certain area of interest, such as politics, personal finance, sports, or health. They contribute to the preparation of program content, interview guests, and discuss issues with viewers, listeners, or the studio audience.
Podcasters record shows that can be downloaded for listening through a computer or mobile device. Like traditional talk radio, podcasts typically focus on a specific subject, such as sports, politics, or movies. Podcasters may also interview guests and experts on the specific program topic. However, podcasts are different than traditional radio broadcasts. Podcasts are prerecorded so audiences can download and listen to these shows at any time. Listeners can also subscribe to a podcast to have new episodes automatically downloaded to their computer or mobile devices.
Radio and television announcers also may be responsible for other aspects of television or radio broadcasting. They may operate studio equipment, sell commercial time to advertisers, or produce advertisements and other recorded material. At many radio stations, announcers do much of the work traditionally done by editors and broadcast technicians, such as broadcasting program schedules, commercials, and public service announcements.
Many radio and television announcers increasingly maintain a presence on social media sites. Establishing a presence allows them to promote their stations and better engage with their audiences, especially through listener feedback, music requests, or program contests. Announcers also make promotional appearances at charity functions or other community events.
Public address system announcers and other announcers typically do the following:
  • Meet with event directors to review schedules and obtain other event details
  • Present information or announcements, such as train schedules or security precautions
  • Introduce upcoming acts and guide the audience through the entertainment
  • Provide commentary for a live audience during sporting, performing arts, or other events
  • Make promotional appearances at public or private events
A public address system announcer’s role is to enhance the performance and entertain and inform the audience. They may prepare their own scripts or improvise lines in their speeches.
The specific duties of public address system announcers will vary greatly depending on where these announcers work. For example, a ringmaster at a circus directs the audience’s attention to the appropriate act.
Train announcers are responsible for reading prepared scripts containing details and data related to train schedules and safety procedures. Their job is to provide information rather than entertainment.
Public address system announcers for a sports team may have to present starting lineups (official lists of players who will participate in an event), read advertisements, and announce players as they enter and exit a game.
The following are examples of types of public address system and other announcers:
Party DJs are hired to provide music and commentary at an event, such as a wedding, a birthday party, or a corporate party. Many DJs use digital files or portable media devices.
Emcees host planned events. They introduce speakers or performers to the audience. They may tell jokes or provide commentary to transition from one speaker to the next.
Work Environment:
Announcers held about 52,500 jobs in 2014.
Radio and television announcers held about 42,300 jobs in 2014. About 1 in 4 radio and television announcers were self-employed in 2014.
Public address system and other announcers held about 10,200 jobs in 2014. About 1 in 4 public address system and other announcers were percent were self-employed in 2014.
Radio and television announcers usually work in well-lit, air-conditioned, soundproof studios. Some radio DJs can produce and record their shows while working from home.
The pressure of deadlines and tight work schedules can be stressful.
Although most announcers work full-time, many work part-time.
Many radio and television stations are on air 24 hours a day. Some announcers present early morning shows, when most people are getting ready for work or commuting. Others do late-night programs. Some announcers have to work weekends or on holidays.
The shifts, however, are not as varied as in the past. More stations are recording shows during the day, eliminating the need to have an announcer work overnight hours.
Education and Training:
Although public address announcers do not need any formal education beyond a high school diploma, radio and television announcers should have a bachelor’s degree to be competitive for entry-level positions. Radio and television announcers typically need a bachelor’s degree in programs such as communications, broadcasting, or journalism.
College broadcasting programs offer courses, such as voice and diction, to help students improve their vocal qualities. In addition, these programs prepare students to work with the computer and audio equipment and software used at radio and television studios.
Public address system announcers and other announcers typically need short-term on-the-job training upon being hired. This training allows these announcers to become familiar with the equipment they will be using during sporting and entertainment events. For sports public address announcers, training also may include basic rules and information for the sports they are covering.
Radio and television announcers may also need some short-term on-the-job training to learn to operate the audio and production equipment. Many employers, however, expect applicants to have some basic skills prior to employment. Applicants typically gain these skills from their college degree program, work on the college radio or television station, or previous internships.
Because radio and television stations in smaller markets have smaller staff, advancement within the same small-market station is unlikely. Rather, many radio and television announcers advance by relocating to a station in a larger market.
Announcers typically need a few years at a small-market station to work out the “kinks” of their on-air personalities. During that time, they learn to sound more comfortable and credible as an on-air talent and become more conversational with their cohosts and guests. Therefore, time and experience allow applicants to advance to positions in larger markets, which offer higher pay and more responsibility and challenges.
When making hiring decisions, large-market stations rely on announcers’ personalities and past performance. Radio and television announcers need to have proven that they can attract, engage, and keep a sizeable audience.
Many stations also rely on radio and television announcers to do other tasks, such as creating and updating a social media presence on social networking sites, making promotional appearances on behalf of the station, or even selling commercial time to advertisers. Therefore, an applicant needs to have demonstrated versatility and flexibility at the smaller market station.
Skills to Develop:
Computer skills: Announcers, especially those seeking careers in radio or television, should have good computer skills and be able to use computers, editing equipment, and other broadcast-related devices.
Interpersonal skills: Radio and television announcers must be able to interview guests and answer phone calls on air. Party disc jockeys (DJs) and emcees should be comfortable working with clients to plan entertainment options.
Persistence: Entry into this occupation is very competitive, and many auditions may be needed for an opportunity to work on the air. Many entry-level announcers must be willing to work for a small station and be flexible to move to a small market to secure their first job.
Research skills: Announcers must research the important topics of the day in order to be knowledgeable enough to comment on them during their program.
Speaking skills: Announcers must have a pleasant and well-controlled voice, good timing, and excellent pronunciation.
Writing skills: Announcers need strong writing skills because they normally write their own material.
Job Outlook:
Employment of announcers is projected to decline 11 percent from 2014 to 2024.
Employment of radio and television announcers is projected to decline 14 percent from 2014 to 2024. Employment of public address system and other announcers is projected to grow 3 percent from 2014 to 2024, slower than the average for all occupations.
Continuing consolidation of radio and television stations will limit the employment growth for radio and television announcers. Many stations have consolidated and centralized their programming functions, including on-air announcing positions.
Consolidation among broadcasting companies also may contribute to increasing use of syndicated programming and programs originating outside a station’s viewing or listening area. Radio stations can use voice tracking, also called “cyber jockeying,” to prerecord their segments rather than air them live. A radio announcer, therefore, can record many segments for use at a later date or even on another radio station in another media market.
This technique allows stations to use fewer employees, while still appearing to air live shows, and it can be more cost effective than airing live or local programming. However, it has eliminated most late-night shifts and allowed multiple stations to use material from the same announcer.
In addition, over-the-air radio broadcasts will continue to face competition from an increasing number of online and satellite radio stations. More listeners, particularly younger listeners, are tuning into these stations, which can be personalized and play nonstop music based on a listener’s preferences. The growing popularity of these online stations may reduce the amount of time audiences spend listening to traditional radio broadcasts, in turn decreasing the demand for radio DJs.
However, Internet radio may positively influence employment growth. Startup costs for Internet radio stations are relatively lower than the costs for land-based radio. These stations can be used to create niche programming or target a specific demographic or listening audience and provide new opportunities for announcers.
In addition, the growing number of national news and satellite stations may increase the demand for local radio and television programs. Listeners want local programs with news and information that are more relevant to their communities instead of nationalized content. Therefore, to distinguish themselves from other stations or other media formats, stations may add local elements to their broadcasts.
Demand for public address system announcers will remain stable. These announcers will continue to present important information to customers or provide entertainment for special events.
The median annual wage for radio and television announcers was $31,400 in May 2016. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $18,390, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $89,720.
The median annual wage for public address system and other announcers was $28,940 in May 2016. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $17,860, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $77,640.
In general, announcers working in larger markets earn more than those working in smaller markets.
College Courses: 

Sample courses that might be required for a degree in Sports Broadcasting:

Sports Broadcasting Courses

  • History of Broadcasting
  • Sports Broadcasting
  • Introduction to Remote Sports Production
  • Business of Media
  • Sports Broadcasting Production Courses
  • Sports Radio
  • Remote Sports Production
  • Producing the Live Sports Event
  • Audio Production for Sports: Television and Radio
  • Sports Play-by-Play
  • Post-Production for Sports
  • Sports Documentary Production
  • Audience Research
  • Media Marketing and Promotion
  • Broadcast and Cable Programming
  • Topics in Sports Media
  • Global Sports Media
  • Sport Psychology
  • Sport Sociology

Colleges will also require you to take some core undergraduate courses in addition to some electives. Required core courses and electives will vary from college to college. Here are a number of examples:

Arts and Humanities

  • Arts
  • History
  • Languages
  • Literature
  • Music


  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Computer Science
  • Logic
  • Statistics

Natural Sciences

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Physics

Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Government
  • Psychology
  • Sociology