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Diabetes & Youth

Type 1 diabetes is most often diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults, and now more kids are developing type 2 diabetes. No matter the type of diabetes, good management is important in order to avoid or delay related health complications. And while type 1 diabetes can’t yet be prevented, type 2 diabetes can be, especially with family support.

Season 2 Videos

Parents: Stop Type 2 Diabetes in its Tracks

Make a family-style plan for healthy eating and activity, starting with these tips.

Family Mealtime Makeover

Fight type 2 diabetes in the kitchen with these delicious and affordable meal ideas.

Your Child Has Diabetes. What Now?

After a diabetes diagnosis there’s a lot to learn, but it gets easier—and the effort is worth it!

Protecting Our Youth from Type 2 Diabetes (30 seconds)

New cases of type 2 diabetes in young people are increasing. The time for action is now.

Season 1 Videos

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in Kids

Did you know diabetes can run in families? So can healthy lifestyle habits.

Youth & Diabetes

Soaring obesity and type 2 diabetes rates in kids. Joan calls on parents to help turn the tide.

  • Page last reviewed: October 12, 2017
  • Page last updated: October 12, 2017
  • Content source:
  • Maintained By:
    • National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Diabetes Translation