Meaningful Use Data & Tools for Your Use 
Disclaimer: The tools below have not been developed or endorsed by CDC but our audience may find them to be beneficial.
North Carolina Division of Public Health’s Meaningful Use Registration of Intent Web Portal: North Carolina Division of Public Health (NC DPH) created a single registration web portal to allow professionals and hospitals to register their intent to submit data for Meaningful Use to any of the program areas through a single system. NC DPH agreed to share the User Guide for this system.
Electronic Laboratory Reporting Onboarding Tools: During the April 17, 2014 Joint Public Health Forum and CDC Nationwide webinar, several tools and artifacts used by the North Carolina Division of Public Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health to support their Electronic Laboratory Reporting onboarding process were referenced. These public health agencies agreed to share these tools and artifacts:
- North Carolina’s Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) Checklist for Meaningful Use
- Pennsylvania Department of Health ELR Lab Tracking Spreadsheet
MU Stage 2 Public Health Leave Behinds (EP and EH): The ONC, through the National Learning Consortium (NLC), developed two resources (Leave Behinds) for eligible hospitals and eligible professionals outlining the Stage 2 population and public health objectives and their potential national, community, and patient impacts. EP Leave Behind EH Leave Behind
Open Immunization Software (OIS) Data Quality Assurance (DQA) application: The OISDQA application is the result of a collaborative effort between several immunization registries and is designed to help Immunization Information Systems (IIS) standardize and automate data quality functions for incoming IIS data feeds in order to improve overall throughput while increasing data quality. https://openimmunizationsoftware.net/dataQuality/dataQuality.html
CMS Meaningful Use Data & Program Reports: The reports include Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records Incentive Program payment and registration data. Individual state reporting, state breakdown of registration by Medicaid and Medicare providers, eligible professional and eligible hospital public use files, and details on eligible providers that have received payments are available. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/DataAndReports.html
CMS Meaningful Use Data Visualization Tool: The tool provides visual representation (including an interactive map) of the public use data provided by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of providers and hospitals attesting to Meaningful Use under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). http://hitech.socialhealthinsights.com/
Michigan Department of Community Health’s Online Registration System: Tool used by the Michigan Department of Community Health to register providers in the State of Michigan that intend to submit electronic public health reporting data for EHR Meaningful Use requirements. http://bit.ly/19mEOsC
The Meaningful Use Tools below have been identified and developed to facilitate interoperability between systems and organizations.
RCMT: The Reportable Condition Mapping Table (RCMT) provides mappings between reportable conditions and their associated LOINC laboratory tests and SNOMED results. The RCMT uses standards suggested for the meaningful use measure “reportable lab result reporting to public health”.
The Direct Project: Direct will expand existing Nationwide Health Information Network standards and service descriptions to address the key Stage 1 requirements for Meaningful Use, and to provide an easy "on-ramp" for a wide set of providers and organizations looking to adopt.
ELR Translation: The ELR Translation tool is a tool that downgrades ELR HL7 2.5.1 messages to HL7 2.31 and also upgrades ELR HL7 2.3.1 messages to HL7 2.5.1. This tool has been developed using the Orion™ Health Symphonia Messaging and Mapping Tool and is available for distribution to HL7 members. Download translation tool http://www.hl7.org/documentcenter/private/standards/V2XML/ELR.zip. If you are not currently logged into the HL7 website you will be prompted to login with your HL7 user ID and password.
National Electronic Disease Surveillance System: NEDSS is an internet-based infrastructure for public health surveillance data exchange that uses specific PHIN (Public Health Information Network) and NEDSS Data Standards.
PHIN Message Quality Framework: PHIN MQF is an automated testing tool that ensures messages are adhering to standards as defined by the messaging guides.
PHIN Messaging System: This system was developed for the purpose of secure and reliable messaging over the internet. PHIN MS provides a standard way for addressing and routing content and for information systems to confirm an exchange.
PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS): PHIN VADS provides standard vocabularies to CDC and its Public Health Partners.
- Page last reviewed: September 4, 2015
- Page last updated: September 4, 2015
- Content source: