SANBS South African Transfusion Medicine Training Center

SANBS training center opening
In February 2010, South Africa’s blood safety services took a major step forward with the opening of the technologically advanced South African Transfusion Medicine Training Center in Johannesburg. Funded by PEPFAR through CDC South Africa, the training center features lecture rooms, video conferencing, training laboratories for technical and donor training, and a unique distance learning training center.
The center will link the country’s primary blood services – South African National Blood Services (SANBS) and Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS) – and enable them to utilize e-Learning courses and expertise, as well as uniform training and educational courses.
The Minister of Health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, opened and toured the training center in Johannesburg and said the ministry was pleased that the center was going to address a critical skills shortage at all of the levels of blood services (blood collection, banking and transfusion). Motsoaledi said the center would also serve as a training center in support of regional countries’ health systems.
“The center will enable health professionals across the country and the Southern Africa region to share knowledge and expertise…,” he said. “We believe that this sharing of expertise and aiding with training programs for African countries may well be the most important contribution that South Africa can make to improve the quality of blood banking and transfusion services in Africa.”
- Page last reviewed: January 2, 2015
- Page last updated: January 2, 2015
- Content source:
Global Health
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