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Farm-To-Institution and Food Services

Food services at schools, health care facilities, worksites, and restaurants can promote healthier food options for people. Government initiatives and farm-to-institution programs can provide a healthy food environment and offer healthy menu choices.

Resource Library/ White Papers

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Available at:

Fruits & Vegetables Galore is a tool for school foodservice professionals. It is packed with tips on planning, purchasing, protecting, preparing, presenting and promoting fruits and vegetables. Fruits & Vegetables Galore can help rejuvenate any cafeteria with colorful fruits and vegetables. Available at:

Setting nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available on school campuses during the school day. Available at:

USDA examples of government school meal policies. Available at:

Glynwood: A guide to serving local food on your menu. Available at: [PDF - 680 KB].

Prevention Institute. Available at: the Institute advocates adoption of a comprehensive food policy that develops nutrition, health, and environmental guidelines for purchasing to ensure meals, snacks vending machines, and a la carte food and beverages include healthy and sustainable choices,, and that improves the nutritional quality and appeal of school meals.

Grab 5: A model school food policy - a practical guide. Available at:

Association of the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. A guide to developing a sustainable food purchasing policy. Available at: [PDF - 937 KB].

Farm to College is the theme for a collection of sites produced by the Community Food Security Coalition. The sites offer a variety of resources on farm-to-college programs, funding, and a comprehensive resource list. Available at:

National Conference of State Legislatures: State legislation specific to vending machines in schools. Available at:

Changing the vocabulary of food purchasing: a guide for food service professionals from the sustainable food laboratory. Available at: [PDF - 1.38 MB].

Journal Articles

Graham R, Kaufman L, Novoa Z, Karpa A. Eating in, eating out, eating well: access to healthy food in North and Central Brooklyn. Brooklyn District Public Health Office. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; 2006 Jan 19. Available at: [PDF - 756 KB].

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