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Milestones In Action : By Three Years

Milestones Photos and Videos Library

Copies adults and friends

Copies adults and friends

Copies adults and friends

Copies adults and friends


This 3 image series shows children copying their friends, a 3-year social/emotional milestone. In image 1 of 3, a little girl has climbed to the top of the structure. Image 2 of 3 shows a little boy beginning to climb up the structure to join the girl. Image 3 shows another child copying the first two by climbing up.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (31.38 MB) (Image 1)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (36.21 MB) (Image 2)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (36.20 MB) (Image 3)


Shows affection for friends without prompting

Shows affection for friends without prompting


The little girl in this photo is hugging her friend. Showing affection for friends without prompting is a 3-year social/emotional milestone.

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Takes turns in games


These children are taking turns with the basketball, a 3-year social/emotional milestone.

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Shows concern for crying friend

Shows concern for crying friend


As she puts her arm around the crying boy, this  little girl is showing the  3-year social/emotional milestone “shows concern for a crying friend”.

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Understands the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”


This little boy understands the idea of “mine” and “hers”, a 3-year social/emotional milestone.

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Shows more and more independence

Shows more and more independence

Shows more and more independence

Shows more and more independence

Shows a wide range of emotions


The little girl in this series of 4 photos shows a wide range of emotions, a 3-year social/emotional milestone. In image 1 of 4, she is being “loving” toward her friend. In image 2 of 4, she is smiling and happy. In image 3 of 4, she is  acting selfishly by taking a toy from her friend. In image 4 of 4, she is sad and crying.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (1.33 MB) (Image 1)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (1.33 MB) (Image 2)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (1.33 MB) (Image 3)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (1.32 MB) (Image 4)


Separates easily from mom and dad

Separates easily from mom and dad


The little boy in this picture is separating easily as he says goodbye to his dad, a 3-year social/emotional milestone.

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Dresses and undresses self

Dresses and undresses self

Dresses and undresses self


Dressing and undressing  is  a 3-year social/emotional milestone. Image 1 of 2 depicts this as  a little boy puts on his shirt. Image 2 of 2 depicts this as  a little boy puts on his shoe.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (17.90 MB) (Image 1)

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (29.00 MB) (Image 2)

Follows instructions with 2 or 3 steps


In this video, a little boy follows instructions with 2 steps. This is a 3-year language/communication milestone.

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Can name most familiar things


This little boy is able to name many familiar things, a 3-year language/communication milestone.

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Understands words like “in,” “on,” and “under”


In this video, a little girl displays her understanding of “in”, “on”, and “under”. This is a 3-year language/communication milestone.

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Names a friend


By naming a friend, this little boy is displaying a 3-year language/communication milestone.

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Says words like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “you” and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)


In the first video clip, the little boy uses “I.” In the second clip, a little boy uses the plural, “wheels.” Using words like these is a 3-year language/communication milestones.

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Talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time


This video shows how a 3 year-old talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time.

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Carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences


This video shows how a 3 year-old carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences.

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Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts

Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts


This little boy is playing with the toy by pressing the buttons that make it work. Working toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts is a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (36.20 MB)


Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people

Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people


This image shows a little boy pretending to doctor on a woman. Playing make-believe with dolls, animals, and people is a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (31.38 MB)


Does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces

Does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces


As this little girl does a puzzle with 3 or 4 pieces, she showcases  a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (10.16 MB)


Understands what “two” means


By  showing his understanding of “two,” this little boy is displaying a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Copies a circle with pencil or crayon

Copies a circle with pencil or crayon


This little boy is copying a circle,  a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (24.65 MB)


Turns book pages one at a time

Turns book pages one at a time


The little girl in this picture is looking at a book and  turning the pages one at a time – a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (36.19 MB)


Builds towers of more than 6 blocks

Builds towers of more than 6 blocks


This picture shows a boy building a tower of more than 6 block, a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (36.20 MB)


Screws and unscrews jar lids or turns door handle

Screws and unscrews jar lids or turns door handle


By screwing and unscrewing this jar lid, this little girl is showing a 3-year cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (27.75 MB)

Climbs well

Climbs well


This little girl easily climbed up this structure. Climbing well is a 3-year movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (30.90 MB)


Runs easily


The children in this video are able to run easily, a 3-year movement/physical development milestone.

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The little girl in this photo is running easily, a 3-year movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (1.32 MB)


Pedals a tricycle (3-wheel bike)

Pedals a tricycle (3-wheel bike)


As this little girl pedals her tricycle, she showcases a 3-year movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (10.16 MB)


Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step

Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step


This photo shows a little boy walking down steps with one foot on each step, a 3-year movement/physical development milestone.

Right click here and select “Save Target As…” for hi-resolution image (10.16 MB)