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Workshop Abstracts

    Workshops for the 2006 National Environmental Public Health Conference, Dec. 4 - 6, 2006.
Presenters Abstract Related Link(s)
Paul Stewart PhD
Susan Schantz PhD
Joseph McGraw MS, PhD
Wilfred Karmaus MD, MPH
Edward Fitzgerald PhD
Research on Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes Defining Studies to Help Ensure Healthy People in Every Stage of Life
Andrew L. Dannenberg MD, MPHU
U Rick Porso REHS, RS
Elizabeth Harrison
Lauren Smith MD, MPH
Melanie Simmons PhD
Connecting Public Health, Community Design and the Built Environment
Julie Racine-Parshall BA
Joe Sigalas BA, MA, PhD
Jackie Mason BA, MA, PhD
Strategic Planning for PARTners and
Planning for Achievement:The Why, When, and How of Evaluation
Mary Jean Brown ScD, RN
Edmond Shenassa ScD
Matthias Braubach MSc, MPH
The World Health Organization LARES Project: The Link Between Health and Housing in 8 European Cities
Barry L. Johnson PhD
John E. Till PhD
Suzanne K. Condon MS  
The Impact of Hazardous Waste on Human Health: Policy, Analyses, and Community Issues
Maureen Lichtveld MD, MPH
Lynn Goldman MD, MPH
William Hooke PhD
Jerry Keusch
Kay Lee PhD
Father Luke Nguyen MA
Environmental Health, Sustainability and Disaster Preparedness post-Hurricane Katrina

Rev. Samuel Nixon Jr. SB, MDiv
Rev. Wayne L. Thornhill III BSMBA, MDIV, MPA, JD
Wade Norwood BA
Derrick Hazel

Faith-Based Initiatives: Engaging Faith Communities as Partners in Improving Community Health
Shane Diekman PhD
Judy Stevens PhD
Julie Gilchrist MD
Karin Mack PhD
Fires, Falls, and Fleeting Moments: The Research and Practice of Making the Home Safe
Deborah Millette MPH
Doug Farquhar JD, MPH
Priscilla D Keith JD
Dana Reed-Wise BS
Tom Neltner JD, CHMM
The Healthy Homes Initiative: The Role of Law
Kevin Horton MSPH
Vikas Kapil DO
Natalia Melnikova MD, PhD
Oleg Muravov MD, PhD
Theodore Larson MPH
Barbara Anderson PE
Steve Dearwent PhD
Review of ATSDR’s Health-Related
Activities in Response to Asbestos-Contaminated Ore Found in
Libby, Montana
James Pirkle MD, PhD
Thomas A. Burke MD
John Osterloh MD, MS
What is Biomonitoring and Why You
Should Care
Tim Jones
Sharon Roy MD
David Nicholas MPH
The Environmental Health Specialists
Network (EHS-Net): A Collaborative Forum for Investigating the
Environmental Cause of Food and Waterborne Disease
Angelo Bellomo
Bob Axelrad BA
Assessing Environmental Health and
Safety in Schools
Willena Cannon
Matthew Chachère JD
Anita Weinberg JD
Kim Foreman BS
Advocacy for State and Local Lead
Poisoning Prevention Policies - Community Engagement Partnerships
Sherry Rigouard MPH
Debbi Cooper
Nancy Rice MPH
Chris Weis PhD, DABT
Uncontrolled Releases of Anhydrous
Ammonia: Causes, Victims, and Prevention

Beth Gardner MS Where to Find More Federal Funds—
Dec. 4, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Presenters Abstract Related Link(s)
Mary Dominiak
James Kelly MS
Barbara J. Smith MS
Clement Welsh PhD
John Wheeler PhD
Perfluorochemicals – Environmental
Fate, Toxicity and Human Exposure

Patricia Hynes PhD
Charles Treser MPH
William Menrath MS
Pat Bohan MPH, MSEH
Building Leadership in a Healthy Homes Workforce – National Healthy Homes Training Center and Network
Randy Rowel PhD
Anita Hawkins PhD
Xanthia James MPH
Myrtle Evans MSPH, DrPH(c)
Health Communication and Emergency Preparedness Among Low Income Minority Populations
Xavier Bonnefoy
Peter Ashley DrPH
The Connection Between Housing and Health: The Current State of Evidence
Ben Muneta MD, MPH
Derrith Moore BS
Nancy John BS
Edward R. Garrison PhD, MPH
Environmental Health Challenges in Indian Country
Carol Rao PhD
Ginger Chew PhD
Gina M. Solomon MD, MPH
Dustin Poppendieck MS, PhD
Indoor Air Quality Issues in New
Orleans in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and Rita
David Ashley PhD
Stacy Young MPH
Mark Miller RS, MPH
Paul Giannone MPH
NCEH Public Health Preparedness for
Environmental Emergencies

Mildred Williams-Johnson PhD,DABT
Claudia Thompson PhD
Randy Wentsel PhD
Environmental Health Science
Research: Current and Future Trends

Craig Zimring PhD
Robin Guenther AIA
Gregory Kats MBA
John Kouletsis AIA
The Case for Green Healthcare
Construction: How Hospital Design and Construction Protect Health
Greg Ulirsch MS PhD
Philip Johnson MPH, MSc, PhD(in
Vickie Boothe BSEE Robert Thiboldeau PhD
Mark Werner PhD
Informing Communities and
Mitigating Risk from Three Types of Air Pollution Threats

David Mills Bsc, PhD
Helen Flowers MS
Patrick Parsons PhD
Dan Kass MSPH
Making Connections: The Value of
Biomonitoring in Your State’s Tracking Program

Robert Blake MPH, REHS
Michelle Chuk MPH
Sharunda Buchanan PhD
Strengthening and Coordinating the
Role of Federal Agencies in Community-based Environmental Health Initiatives of Local Health Departments

Bob Vanderslice PhD
Kenny Foscue MPH
Tannie Eshenaur
Brendan Boyle MPA
Promoting Healthy Schools: Addressing Toxic Hazards in the School Environment
Ralph Scott BA
Jane Malone
Innovative Prevention Strategies – Policy and Practice to Eliminate Childhood Lead Poisoning by 2010

Neil Hampson MD
Judith Graber MS
Scott Damon MAIA, CPH
Eric Lavonas MD, FACEP
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention: Bridging the Gap Between the Clinical World and Public Health
Dec. 5, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Presenters Abstract Related Link(s)
Stephen Rappaport PhD
Don Patterson PhD
Andreas Sjodin PhD
Ketna Mistry MD
Exposure Biomarkers: Apples or Oranges
Stephanie Bailey MD
David DyjackPhD
Beth Resnick MPH
Steve Van Stockum
Larry Gordon MPH
Developing the Environmental Health Workforce and Charting the Future of Environmental Health
Tannie Eshenaur MPH
Susan J. RobinsonMS
David R. Driscoll PhD, MPH
Yolanda Freeman BS
Risk Communication and Culture: New Issues and Approaches for Environmental Health Message Design and Delivery
Abbigail Tumpey MPH, CHES
Margaret Reid RN
Katherine J. Seikel BS, MBA
Tom Neltner JD, BS Chem E; Director of Training
Creating Partnerships to Promote Integrated Pest Management
Bobbie Morgan MS
Christina Rose Bush MS
Bart Bibler BS
Sheila D. Pressley MS
Felicia A. Rabito PhD
Emerging and Re-emerging Contaminants and Outbreaks
Wanda Lizak Welles PhD, MS
John Bresland
Kent AndersonMBA, BSIE
Henry Anderson MD
Sam Mannan Ph.D.
National Acute Chemical Events Surveillance: A Partnership for Success
Peter Thornton MPH
Janet Williams BS
Rick Rowe MPH
Professor Sheila Davidson-PressleyMS
The Local Environmental Health Workforce: Confronting the Challenges of the 21st Century
Ella S. Dade RN,CRC
Gregory L. Eastwood MD
William Fredericks
Ron Pirrallo MD
Injury and Violence Prevention and the Built Environment—Preparedness and Response
Alan Robock PhD
Jonathan Patz MD, MPH
Katharine Hayhoe MS, BSc
Sepi Yalta PhD
Climate Change: Health Implications
Dr. Moiz Mumtaz PhD
Dr. David Mellard PhD
Dr. Mark Johnson PhD
Application of ATSDR's Mixtures Guidance at Two Hazardous Waste Sites
Carol Henry PhD
Hal Zenick PhD
Kenneth A. Cook PhD
Diana Lee MPH, RD
What Others Are Saying about Biomonitoring
Catherine Thomsen MPH
James VanDerslice PhD
Paul English PhD
Building Capacity and Consistency Across States: The State Environmental Health Indicators
Robert J. Geller MD
Bruce P. Lanphear MD, MPH
Environmental Concerns and Children's Development
Pierre Erville JD
David E. Jacobs PhD
Maria Doa PhD
Mary Jean Brown RN, ScD
Childhood Lead Poisoning: Will We Meet the 2010 Goal?
Laurie Lachance PhD, MPH
Elizabeth Herman MD, MPH
Leslie A. Fierro MPH
Making the Case for Standardized Program Evaluation Indicators—Lessons from the Field
Dec. 5, 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Presenters Abstract Related Link(s)
Chuck Warzecha MS, RS
Lori J. Harris-Franklin BES
Kai Elgethun PhD
Factory Farming: The Impact of Animal Feeding Operations on the Environment and Health of Local Communities.
Suzanne Wells MS
Phil Brown PhD
Diana Tarrant MSPH
Maria Teran-MacIver, Kris Larson and Paula Peters BSN, MSN
Involving the Community in Local Environmental Health Issues
Jana Telfer MA
Greg Thomas
Will Ludlam
Marketing: Intervention Innovation for Audiences with Antibody to Health Information
Matt Falb MHS
Roger B. Perales MPH, RS
Antonio Neri MD
David Coffey DMin, LPC
Program Planning, Training, Education, and Communication in Environmental Public Health
Woody Widrow MCRP
Michael Andry
Wilma Subra BS, MS
Lori Gay BS, MBA
Voices from the Field: Rebuilding Communities and Restoring Individual and Public Health after Natural Disasters
Andy Reich MPH
Barbara Kirkpatrick RRT
Lora Fleming MD, PhD
Libby Jewett PhD, MPP
Harmful Algae Blooms and Public Health: Research and Response
Rosemary Bakker MS, ASID
John R. Baxter PE
Reid Ewing PhD
Michael Radetsky MA, MPH
Injury and Violence Prevention and the Built Environment—Unintentional Injury
Marcheta Lee Gillam JD
Steven Fischbach JD
Al Huang JD
Using Legal Strategies to Create Healthy Homes, Schools and Communities
Tina Forrester MS, PhD
Ann Carroll
Henry Nehls-Lowe
ATSDR's Brownfield and Land Reuse Steering Committee Activities
Robert Jones PhD
Bob Kobelski PhD
Jim Pearson DrPH
John Barr PhD
Laboratory Preparedness for Chemical and Radiologic Terrorism & Emergency Response
Walter Combs PhD
Tom Sieger MS, CIH
Kevin Doering JD
Jack Daniel JD
Environmental Health Leadership in Action
Rodney Weber PhD
Fernando Holguin MD
W. Gerald Teague MD
Roby Greenwald PhD
The Constituents of the Urban Aerosol and Impact of Exposure on the Respiratory Status of Children
John Baker MS
Jerry Curtis GISP
Taran Jefferies ScM
Yasemin Turkmin MPH, EdM, MA
Evaluation of Regulatory Approaches to Lead Poisoning Prevention
Nabil Issa MS
Kelly Asadi MS
Data Made Easy: New Data Collection, Analysis and Visualization Tools Supporting Environmental Health Science and Research
Dec. 5, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Presenters Abstract Related Link(s)
Frank Bove ScD
Robert E. Faye MSCE
Mustafa M. Aral MSCE, PhD
Jason B. Sautner BSCE, MSCE
Assessing Birth Outcomes to Drinking Water Contamination at US Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina: Environmental Analyses and Epidemiology
Peter Thornton MPH
Patrick Bohan MS, MSEH
Michelle Chuk MPH
Sharunda Buchanan PhD
Performance Standards for Environmental Public Health: Their Value in Assessing Capabilities of Environmental Health Programs (Performance Standards)
Sharon Campolucci RN, MSN, FNP
Susan Robinson MA
Gayle Shirley BA
Charles Green MA
Laying the Groundwork for a National Asbestos Health Project
Henry Njapau PhD
Timothy Phillips PhD
Lauren Lewis MD, MPH
Leslie McCoy PhD
Public Health Strategies to Prevent Aflatoxin Exposure in Developing Countries
D. Jason Scholl PhD
Harold Frank, Jr. BS
Howard Mielke BA, MS, PhD
Emerging Lead-related Issues: Science, Community, Culture and Sensitivity, and Collaboration
Laura Kolb
Claudette Reichel EdD
Flood Clean Up: Hindsight, Foresight and Preparing for 21st Century Disasters
Amy Kyle PhD
Jill Litt PhD
Fred Pfaender PhD
Approaches for Promoting Public Health Research into Practice
Diane Zahm PhD, AICPU
Julie S. Mair JD, MPH
Corinne Peek-Asa PhD
Injury and Violence Prevention and the Built Environment—Violence
Gary Perlman MPH, RS, EMT-B
Kenny Foscue MPH
Brendan Boyle MPA
Andrew Dannenberg
Brownfields 101—A Model for Public Health Involvement in Brownfields and Land Reuse Sites
Henry Schuver MS
Krista Anders PhD
Greg Zaurus MS
Estimating Indoor Air Contamination from Vapor Intrusion using the Johnson and Ettinger Model; Advantages and Limitations for Public Health Assessments
Perri Ruckart MPH
Alan Becker MPH, PhD
Martha Stanbury MSPH
Rebecca Wilburn MPH
James Drew BS
Using Surveillance Data on Acute Chemical Releases to Build Capacity for Prevention, Planning, and Response
Ken Sharp
Paul Shoemaker MPH
Joyce Keith-Hargrove PhD
Gerald Barron MPH
Carl Osaki MPH
Best Practices in Delivering Environmental Heath Services to Build Healthier Communities
Dearwent PhD
Benjamin Blount PhD
Kathryn Toepel MPH
Perchlorate and Public Health
Wendy Blumenthal MPH
Deborah Nagin MPH
Patrick MacRoy MA
Non-Paint Lead Hazards: Federal, State and Local Perspectives
Pam Meyer PhD, MPH
Patrick Wall BS
Sascha Fielding BA
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network: Tracking Our Progress
Beth Gardner BS
Where to Find More Federal Funds -

Historical Document: May 2011