EHSB Journal of Environmental Health Columns for 2009
2009 Direct from CDC columns
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Guest columnists Jeffrey Neistadt and Tim Murphy ask Are We Really Saving Resources with Current Hiring Practices at Local Health Departments? [PDF - 418 KB] Workforce shortages and the small number of graduates from accredited EH academic programs have led many local health departments to hire entry-level personnel who may not have a degree or educational training in EH or public health. These employees may be more limited in critical EH competencies because they lack necessary training. This article is published in the January-February 2009 issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.

Addressing Climate Change and Local Public Health: The Austin Climate Protection Program and the CDC Working Group on Climate Change Collaboration [PDF - 505 KB] – Natasha Prudent et al. discuss proactive measures being taken by many government agencies as the reality of climate change becomes apparent. Read about the city of Austin’s Climate Protection Program, which is collaborating with the CDC Working Group on Climate Change to pilot an approach to linking public health and local climate change programs. This column is in the April issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.

Recreational Water Illness Prevention, 2009: Charting a Course through Stormy Waters [PDF - 675 KB] Michael Beach, associate director for Healthy Water at CDC’s National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases, talks about how CDC and its partners can address new issues affecting pool programs by building a strong national model pool code. This column is in the May issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.

Public Health and Drought [PDF - 200 KB] – CDC is developing a guidance document on public health and drought. This document, When Every Drop Counts: Protecting Public Health During Drought Conditions—A Guide for Public Health Professionals, is an important step in providing much-needed public health guidance and information on this emerging area of concern. This column is in the Journal of Environmental Health's July/August issue.

Improving Environmental Assessments During Foodborne Outbreaks [PDF - 240 KB] – Carol Selman writes about CDC’s efforts to improve environmental assessments. These efforts include developing a training course on how to conduct environmental assessments and a proposed national voluntary surveillance system. This column is in the Journal of Environmental Health's September issue.

Enhancing the Public Health Perspective on Onsite Wastewater Systems [PDF - 325 KB] – Max Zarate-Bermudez talks about the need to better understand onsite wastewater systems. He suggests that developing monitoring methodologies and conducting epidemiologic studies can enhance our understanding of these systems. This column is in the Journal of Environmental Health's October issue.

Water safety plans: CDC’s role [PDF - 266 KB] – CAPT Rick Gelting writes about CDC’s role in supporting implementation of water safety plans (WSPs) in Latin American and Caribbean countries. WSP principles can be used to help ensure drinking water safety in small U.S. water systems. This column is in the Journal of Environmental Health's November issue.

A New Reality for Environmental Health [PDF - 405 KB] – Rob Blake writes about EH workforce issues, EHS’ recent efforts to favorably affect these workforce issues, and possible initiatives for EH practitioners to broaden their scope of practice. This column is in the Journal of Environmental Health's December issue.
- Page last reviewed: November 26, 2014
- Page last updated: December 29, 2015
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