ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee
On this Page
Note: For information regarding submission of ICD-10-CM proposals.
Previous ICD-9-CM meeting materials
March 9 - 10, 2011
September 16, 2010
- Summary [PDF - 84 KB]
- Proposals (Part 1 of 2) [PDF - 411 KB]
- Proposals (Part 2 of 2) [PDF - 160 KB]
- Transcript (9/15/2010) Morning [PDF - 293 KB]
- Transcript (9/15/2010) Afternoon [PDF - 213 KB]
- Transcript (9/16/2010) Morning [PDF - 323 KB]
- Transcript (9/16/2010) Afternoon [PDF - 118 KB]
March 10, 2010
- Summary [PDF - 46 KB]
- Proposals [PDF - 184 KB]
- Transcript (3/9/10) [PDF - 463 KB]
- Transcript (3/10/10) [PDF - 167 KB]
September 16-17, 2009
- Proposals (corrected 9/30/09 in yellow) [PDF - 197 KB]
- Summary [PDF - 46 KB]
- Attachment 1 to Sept. minutes - Menis (24 slides) [PDF - 67 KB] [PPT - 71 KB]
- Attachment 2 to Sept. minutes - Berglund (6 slides) [PDF - 18 KB] [PPT - 23 KB]
- Attachment 3 to Sept minutes - Bernstein and Ratner (15 slides) [PDF - 58 KB] [PPT - 652 KB]
March 12, 2009
- Proposals [PDF - 207 KB]
- Summary [PDF - 45 KB]
- Attachment 1 to March minutes - Barkley (9 slides) [PPT - 153 KB]
September 24-25, 2008
- Proposals [PDF - 436 KB]
- TBI Proposal - DoD/VA [PDF - 220 KB]
- Summary [PDF - 50 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Dennis (19 slides) [PDF - 113 KB] [PPT - 637 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Barkley (11 slides) [PDF - 22 KB] [PPT - 81 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Adams (9 slides) [PDF - 42 KB] [PPT - 569 KB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Bernstein (21 slides) [PDF - 70 KB] [PPT - 600 KB]
- Attachment 5 to minutes - Romano (5 slides) [PDF - 84 KB] [PPT - 214 KB]
- Attachment 6 to minutes - Percelay (14 slides) [PDF - 107 KB] [PPT - 232 KB]
- Attachment 7 to minutes - Croft (21 slides) [PDF - 321 KB] [PPT - 2.2 MB]
March 19-20, 2008
- Proposals [PDF - 325 KB]
- Summary [PDF - 57 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Broderick/Kleindorfer (28 slides) [PPT - 1.2 MB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Bullock (8 slides) [PPT - 2.5 MB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Gorwitz (16 slides) [PPT - 818 KB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Romano (16 slides) [PPT - 3.5 MB]
- Attachment 5 to minutes - Shaw (24 slides) [PPT - 7.6 MB]
September 27-28, 2007
- Proposals (96 pages) [PDF - 717 KB]
- Topic: EGID (1 page) [PDF - 14 KB]
- Topic: Mold (1 pages) [PDF - 19 KB]
- Minutes (15 pages) [PDF - 110 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Romano (21 slides) [PPT - 777 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Yao (10 slides) [PPT - 408 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Furuta (14 slides) [PPT - 8.7 MB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Rice (22 slides) [PPT - 2 MB]
- Attachment 5 to minutes - Schulmeister (13 slides) [PPT - 5.1 MB]
- Attachment 6 to minutes - Lynn (19 slides) [PPT - 902 KB]
- Attachment 7 to minutes - Richards (8 slides) [PPT - 811 KB]
- Attachment 8 to minutes - Holtzman (14 slides) [PPT - 745 KB]
- Attachment 9 to minutes - Butler (20 slides) [PPT - 177 KB]
March 22-23, 2007
- Errata to March 2007 Diagnosis Agenda (10/24/2007) (1 page) [PDF - 16 KB]
- Proposals (63 pages) [PDF - 276 KB]
- Minutes (11 pages) [PDF - 59 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Headaches (22 slides) [PPT - 243 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Secondary diabetes mellitus (8 slides) [PPT - 110 KB]
September 28-29, 2006
- Proposals (63 pages) [PDF - 481 KB]
- Minutes (13 pages) [PDF - 77 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Hearing loss, speech, language, and swallowing disorders (23 slides) [PPT - 526 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Urinary risk factors for bladder cancer (18 slides) [PPT - 775 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Chronic total occlusion of artery of extremities (21 pages) [PDF - 1.2 MB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Osteonecrosis of jaw (33 slides) [PPT - 628 KB]
- Attachment 5 to minutes - Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome (11 slides) [PPT - 543 KB]
March 24, 2006
- Proposals (50 pages) [PDF - 269 KB]
- Minutes (7 pages) [PDF - 78 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery (16 slides) [PDF - 4.5 MB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (13 slides) [PPT - 142 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Normal pressure hydrocephalus (23 slides) [PPT - 1.2 MB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Counseling for natural family planning (38 slides) [PDF - 582 KB]
September 30, 2005
- Proposals (75 pages) [PDF - 633 KB]
- Minutes (12 pages) [PDF - 69 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Mucositis (18 slides) [PPT - 4.4 MB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Mild Cognitive Impairment (10 slides) [PPT - 34 KB]
April 1, 2005
- Proposals (70 pages) [PDF - 396 KB]
- Minutes (9 pages) [PDF - 75 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Probable - Possible (25 slides) [PPT - 213 KB]
October 8, 2004
- Proposals (45 pages) [PDF - 210 KB]
- Minutes (7 pages) [PDF - 22 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Retinopathy (9 slides) [PPT - 68 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Neuropathy (11 slides) [PPT - 165 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Chronic Kidney Disease (24 slides) [PPT - 1.9 MB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Total Joint Replacement (48 slides) [PPT - 9.3 MB]
April 2, 2004
- Proposals (36 pages) [PDF - 129 KB]
- Minutes (8 pages) [PDF - 42 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Dental - Edentulism (46 slides) [PPT - 3.4 MB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Psychalgia Coding Changes (14 slides) [PPT - 84 KB]
December 5, 2003
- Minutes (9 pages) [PDF - 88 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Dental - Prosthodontics (17 slides) [PPT - 449 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Dental - Rationale (32 slides) [PPT - 434 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Hyperhydrosis (19 slides) [PPT - 459 KB]
- Attachment 4 to minutes - Metabolic and Chromosomal Disorders (26 slides) [PPT - 388 KB]
- Proposals (54 pages) [PDF - 452 KB]
April 3, 2003
December 6, 2002
- Proposals (36 pages) [PDF - 330 KB]
- Minutes (6 pages) [PDF - 107 KB]
- Attachment 1 to minutes - Sepsis and Septic Shock (18 slides) [PPT - 78 KB]
- Attachment 2 to minutes - Dementia with Lewy Bodies (16 slides) [PPT - 273 KB]
- Attachment 3 to minutes - Frontotemporal dementia (17 slides) [PPT - 149 KB]
April 19, 2002
- Minutes (8 pages) [PDF - 38 KB]
- Attachment to Minutes on Terrorism Codes and Revised Guideline Format (15 slides) [PPT - 105 KB]
- Proposals (34 pages) [PDF - 136 KB]
November 2, 2001
- Minutes (10 pages) [PDF - 41 KB]
- Attachment A to Minutes - John Shaw on V-Codes (10 slides) [PPT - 65 KB]
- Attachment B to Minutes - AHA on V-Codes (1 page) [PDF - 13 KB]
- Attachment C to Minutes - AHIMA on V-Codes (2 pages) [PDF - 19 KB]
- Attachment D to Minutes - Dr. Peter Morris on Severe Sepsis (15 pages) [PPT - 84 KB]
- Attachment E to Minutes - Dr. Laura Powers on Late Effect Conditions of CVA (1 pages) [PPT - 20 KB]
- Proposals (40 pages) [PDF - 148 KB]
May 18, 2001
- Minutes (8 pages) [PDF - 14 KB]
- Attachment to Minutes on Critical Illness Neuropathy (8 pages) [PDF - 90 KB]
- Proposals (34 pages) [PDF - 42 KB]
November 17, 2000
May 11, 2000
November 12, 1999
- Minutes (5 pages) [PDF - 10 KB]
- Proposals (17 pages) [PDF - 58 KB]
- Attachment to Minutes on IBS proposal (4 pages) [PDF - 278 KB]
May 13, 1999
November 2, 1998
June 4, 1998
- Page last reviewed: May 26, 2016
- Page last updated: May 26, 2016
- Content source: