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Health, United States

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ISP provides technical assistance to update and fulfill selected tables for the annual CDC, NCHS Health, United States publication. The report describes national trends in health statistics, including 151 trend tables organized around four major subject areas: health status and determinants, health care utilization, health care resources, and health care expenditures. The report also includes a Chartbook with selected measures of morbidity, mortality, health risk factors, prevention, and health insurance. Each year Health, United States includes a special feature; the 2011 edition contains a special feature on Socioeconomic Status and Health. A companion product —Health, United States: In Brief, features information extracted from the full report. All Health, United States products are available on the Health, United States website.

Interesting fact: Each year, Health, United States is submitted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to the President and the Congress of the United States in compliance with Section 308 of the Public Health Service Act.

