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Potential Health Hazards of Video Display Terminals

June 1981
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 81-129
81-129 Cover

Hazards associated with work at visual display terminals (VDTs) were surveyed. Radiation measurements, environmental sampling, employee interviews, and ergonomic assessments were performed at three companies in San Francisco, California, where VDTs were used. Measurements of X-ray, radiofrequency, ultraviolet, and visible radiation exposures were either undetectable or well below current exposure standards. No chemical exposures were identified from environmental sampling. Ergonomic evaluations revealed problems due to glare and height of the keyboards and display screens. VDT operators frequently reported visual discomfort, muscular problems, and stress of anxiety. Recommendations are included for radiation monitoring, workstation design modifications, illumination, glare control, work rest schedules, and visual testing.