Mining Workshop: Hearing Loss Prevention in Mining - 2005
Charleston, WV: June 21, 2005 - June 22, 2005
Hosted by NIOSH. The following documents are available for downloading:
Overview of the hearing loss prevention program at the NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory.
Dr. Güner Gürtunca, NIOSH
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Hearing Conservation
Introduction to noise-induced hearing loss
RJ Matetic, NIOSH
A model hearing conservation program
David Byrne, NIOSH
Administrative Controls
Avoiding overexposure at underground and surface mines and preparation plants
Dr. Eric Bauer, NIOSH
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Appropriate selection, use and wearing of hearing protection devices
Roberta Hudak, NIOSH
Worker Empowerment and Education
Hearing loss simulator and other motivatorsBob Randolph, NIOSH
Instructional and non-instructional noise safety training
Ed Barrett, NIOSH
Engineering Controls
Practical approaches to engineering noise controls
Dave Yantek, NIOSH
Assessing controls
Dr. Efrem Reeves, Acoustical Engineer, NIOSH
Coated Flight Bars & Mist System
Pete Kovalchik, NIOSH
Surface Drill Rigs
Dave Ingram, NIOSH

See Also
- Cross-Sectional Survey of Noise Exposure in the Mining Industry
- Evaluation and Development of Hearing Loss Interventions
- Hearing Loss in the Mining Industry: The Evolution of NIOSH and Bureau of Mines Hearing Loss Research
- Hearing Loss Prevention in Mining - 2006
- Noise and Hearing Protection: Development of Two Training Exercises for Drillers
- Noise Exposure in Longwall Mining and Engineering Controls Research
- A Technique for Estimating the Sound Power Level Radiated by Pneumatic Rock Drills and the Evaluation of a CSIR Prototype Rock Drill with Engineering Noise Controls
- Technology News 539 - Identifying The Benefits Of Engineering Noise Controls Through A Business Case
- Water Well Safety Bits: Health And Safety Information For The Water Well Industry
- Working in Noise with a Hearing Loss: Perceptions from Workers, Supervisors, and Hearing Conservation Program Managers
- Page last reviewed: 9/20/2012
- Page last updated: 9/7/2012
- Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program