Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 93-109, 1993 Sep; :1-9
This Alert was intended to identify high risk occupations and workplaces, inform employers and workers about their risk, encourage employers and workers to evaluate risk factors in their workplaces and implement protective measures, and encourage researchers to gather more details regarding occupational homicide and develop and evaluate protective measures. The highest number of homicides were reported to occur at retail trade locations. Service type industries had the second highest number. Workplaces with the highest rates included taxicab establishments, liquor stores, gas stations, detective/protective services, justice/public order establishments, grocery stores, jewelry stores, hotels/motels, and eating and drinking places. The occupation with the highest rate of occupational homicide was taxicab driver/chauffeur, with a rate 21 times the national average. Other high risk occupations included law enforcement officers, hotel clerks, gas station workers, security guards, stock handlers, store owners, and bartenders.