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Timeline of Major DCAS Events for 2011

Establishing the foundation for conducting dose reconstructions as required under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) has been an important and busy time for our Office. Major events of our dose reconstruction program are listed below.

To locate an event, click on one of the months below. A list of events that occurred during that month will be displayed.

Major Events for 2011

January 21
  • Federal Register Notice Published Announcing the Designation of a Class of Employees from BWX Technologies, Inc. to the SEC (January 1, 1985 through November 30, 1994)

  • Federal Register Notice Published Announcing the Designation of a Class of Employees from Simonds Saw and Steel Co. to the SEC (January 1, 1948 through December 31, 1957)

  • Federal Register Notice Published Announcing the Designation of a Class of Employees from Texas City Chemicals, Inc. to the SEC (October 5, 1953, through September 30, 1955)