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Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Program

Man and small girl walking together.

Program Description

The mission of the HWD program is to protect and advance worker safety, health, and well-being by improving the design of work, management practices, and the physical and psychosocial work environment. HWD’s holistic perspective focuses on how work affects overall health and well-being, including physical, psychological, social, and economic aspects. The HWD program accomplishes its mission through basic, surveillance, intervention, and translation research related to systems, programs, policies, and practices that improve the health and lives of workers, enabling them to thrive and contribute productively at work, at home, and in society.

HWD addresses a range of risk factors and related health outcomes in every industrial and occupational sector. Some of the current focal areas of the program examine the health and safety effects of:

  • Working hours and fatigue
  • Non-standard work arrangements
  • Occupational stress