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Engineering Education in Occupational Safety and Health

NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

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Project SHAPE (Safety and Health Awareness for Preventive Engineering) was a collaborative project between NIOSH, engineering professional societies, and engineering schools to enhance the education of engineering students in occupational safety and health. With expert assistance from engineering school faculty and engineering societies, NIOSH has produced a series of nine instructional modules to further achieve project goals. These modules are available for use by engineering faculty who have interest in incorporating occupational safety and health topics within appropriate required and elective courses

Project SHAPE Instructional Modules

  Agricultural Safety and Health for Engineers—An ASAE Instructional Module  
(Developed by the American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) with support from NIOSH. Used with permission.)
ASAE Publication 08-94 (1994)
This module is to introduce safety and health topics to faculty teaching power and machinery/systems courses.

  An Applied Approach to Epidemiology and Toxicology for Engineers—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(June 1993)
This module provides the students with an introduction to the disciplines of epidemiology and toxicology with an emphasis on topics of special relevance to the engineer.

  An Introduction to Electrical Safety for Engineers—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(June 1993)
This module is to familiarize engineering faculty and students with the occupational health and safety concerns which should be inherent to every electrical system.

  Application of Hazard Evaluation Techniques to the Design of Potentially Hazardous Industrial Chemical Processes—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(March 1992)
The case studies represented in this module highlight the importance of applying system safety techniques to the design and operation of potentially hazardous processes.

  Construction Safety and Health for Civil Engineers—Instructional Module  
(October 1994)
The purpose of the module is to develop an awareness in the faculty and students of the many facets of safety and health, as applicable to civil engineering and construction work.

  Fire Protection—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(May 1997)
This module is to familiarize undergraduate engineering students with basic fire protection issues related to the safeguarding of life and property against fire loss.

  Incorporation of Occupational Safety and Health Into Unit Operations Laboratory Courses—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(August 1991)
The objectives of this module are: To develop an awareness in the faculty and students of the many facets of Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H) as applied to laboratory work and pilot-plant operations; and, to ensure a safe laboratory environment.

  Occupational Diseases—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(August 1991)
The objective of the educational module is to familiarize engineering faculty and students with some basic principles underlying the development of occupational diseases.

  System Safety and Risk Management—NIOSH Instructional Module  
(March 1998)
This module provides many disciplined approaches to hazard identification and risk analysis. The analytical techniques can be used to assess risk to employees, facilities, equipment, production, quality and the environment. There are a set of slides mentioned in the abstract on p. iii, end of 2nd paragraph. These are no longer available
