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Community Cardiovascular Disease Risk From Cross-Sectional General Practice Clinical Data: A Spatial Analysis

This map represents a spatial pattern of an index of relative socioeconomic disadvantage (IRSD) in the study area, by level 1 statistical areas (SA1s). A low IRSD equates with greater socioeconomic disadvantage. The map indicates that people at lower socioeconomic status live in the eastern part of the study area and that people at higher socioeconomic status live in the western beach areas of the study area. Figure generated by using ArcGIS software version 10.1.

Figure 1. Pattern of an index of relative socioeconomic disadvantage in study area, Adelaide, Australia, 2012.

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This map shows interpolated surface of the 10-year cardiovascular disease risk across the study area. The hotspots are seen in the most disadvantaged areas in the eastern and central parts of the LeFevre Peninsula. Figure generated by using ArcGIS software version 10.1.

Figure 2. Smoothed pattern of cardiovascular disease risk in the study area, Adelaide, Australia, 2012.

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