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Parental Weight Status and Offspring Cardiovascular Disease Risks: a Cross-Sectional Study of Chinese Children

Body mass index
Mother Only17.917.017.1
Father Only17.017.717.5
Both Parents16.518.017.6
Waist circumference
Mother Only57.358.157.7
Father Only60.161.661.1
Both Parents58.862.561.2
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Mother Only44.246.145.3
Father Only44.345.845.1
Both Parents44.246.445.4
Metabolic risk score
Mother Only–
Father Only–
Both Parents–

Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, cardiorespiratory fitness, and metabolic risk score in offspring (girls, boys, total), according to their parents’ BMI classification. Adjustments were made for sex, age, district, parent education, mother’s and father’s age, puberty stage, and parental smoking. Metabolic Risk Score is a continuous measure of metabolic risk; higher scores indicate a poorer profile. *P trend <.05. **P trend < .001. Abbreviations: None, no parents overweight or obese; Mother Only, only mother overweight or obese; Father Only, only father overweight or obese; Both, both parents overweight or obese.

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