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Is Your Neighborhood Designed to Support Physical Activity? A Brief Streetscape Audit Tool


15-Item Streetscape Audit for Physical Activity-Supportiveness of Environments: MAPS-Mini

Figure 1. Association of active transport with MAPS-Mini scores (percentage of total possible) ranked in quintiles from the poorest (lowest quintile) to the best (highest quintile) activity supportive microscale attributes of the built environment in the 2 younger age groups. Quintiles for children ranged from 13.3% to 54.0% and quintiles for adolescents, 15.7% to 61.9%.

Quintile Children Adolescents
Active Transport (Category Score Range, 0-4) Active Transport (Category Score Range, 0-4)
1st 0.9 1.1
2nd 1.0 1.3
3rd 1.1 1.4
4th 1.1 1.5
5th 1.2 1.6

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15-Item Streetscape Audit for Physical Activity-Supportiveness of Environments: MAPS-Mini

Figure 2. Association of active transport with MAPS-Mini scores (percentage of total possible) ranked in quintiles from the poorest (lowest quintile) to the best (highest quintile) activity supportive microscale attributes of the built environment in the 2 older age groups. Quintiles for younger adults ranged from 14.6% to 59.2%; for older adults, 14.4% to 64.0%. For a complete comparison of quintile total scores with age group activity scores, see Appendix.

Quintile Younger Adults Older Adults
Active Transport (d/wk) Active Transport (times/wk)
1st 0.5 0.2
2nd 0.9 0.4
3rd 1.1 0.5
4th 1.3 0.7
5th 1.6 0.8

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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions.