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Evaluation of the National Tips From Former Smokers Campaign: the 2014 Longitudinal Cohort


The baseline survey (precampaign assessment) took place from April 7, 2014, to July 6, 2014 (n = 6,582). Phase 2 of the 2014 Tips campaign took place from July 7, 2014, to September 7, 2014. Follow-up survey 1 (immediate postcampaign follow-up) took place September 8, 2014, to November 17, 2014 (n = 4,248). Follow-up survey 2 (3 month postcampaign follow-up) took place January 5, 2015, to March 16, 2015 (n = 3,038). Follow-up survey 3 (6 month postcampaign follow-up) took place April 1, 2015, to June 10, 2015 (n = 2,262).

Figure. Timeline for phase 2 of 2014 Tips evaluation survey and cohort sample sizes. Sample sizes represent retained cohort sample. In total, 2,262 current smokers and recent quitters participated in all 4 surveys.

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