Become a Host Site

PHAP relies on its partnerships with public health agencies and tribal and nongovernmental organizations to serve as host sites for public health associates. These relationships are vital to the development of our nation’s next generation of public health professionals. And, the benefits to host sites are invaluable!
Webinars: Becoming a Host Site
We invite program managers and staff from state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, tribal organizations, and nongovernmental organizations to view the webinars about becoming a host site. These webinars include information about the history of the program, funding for associates, and an overview of the program itself so your organization can determine whether to apply to host an associate. Also, the webinars provide guidance on the characteristics of a quality PHAP training experience to help potential host sites prepare for the next PHAP host site application cycle.
- PHAP 101: Overview of PHAP—Does My Organization Want to Host an Associate? [PPT-40MB]
- PHAP 201: Strategic Development of a Quality PHAP Training Experience—The CO-STARR Model [PPT-30.9MB]
Host Site Benefits
PHAP places early-career public health professionals in state, tribal, local, and territorial public health agencies; nongovernmental organizations such as community-based organizations, public health institutes and associations, and academic institutions; and CDC quarantine stations to gain broad experience in public health program operations.
While PHAP offers tremendous benefits to associates through training and support, the host site also receives numerous benefits, including—
- CDC-funded field assignees who bring valuable skills to host agencies and who are well-rounded, energetic, flexible, career-minded individuals with unlimited potential
- A unique partnership with CDC to develop the nation’s next generation of public health professionals
- Access to CDC resources and subject matter expertise—CDC PHAP supervisors serve as liaisons to host site supervisors and can assist with connections to CDC materials, information, and subject matter experts
- Online learning opportunities for host site supervisors
- Capacity-building and human resources to fill gaps in agencies affected by budget cuts and staffing shortages
Host Site Testimonials
“Rachel Ashby’s work continues to be invaluable to our progress towards mass shelter planning (seemingly even more relevant with the current natural disaster events in the US). The local chapter of the American Red Cross, whose leadership has been deployed for weeks, is extremely grateful for Rachel’s leadership and commitment to completing this daunting assignment.”
— Michael Romero, Placer County Health and Human Services Department, California
“Ilana Blum has contributed greatly to both the gathering of information for the teen dating violence youth focus groups and the outreach to youth in terms of getting information out. She worked well with the students at Mora High School and was flexible when the organizer substituted 4th graders instead of seniors! She has learned many realities when working with outside agencies. Ilana is a valuable member of this team. We’re so grateful!”
— Patty Wetterling, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota
“Miki Duruz has been a major asset to our team in this last year. She has helped get the social networking program off the ground, working with the supervisor of the counseling and testing program. She also helped to start the process of working with providers to give them more information on how to report HIV-positive clients to the county health department and making them more aware of the HIV Partner Services Program with a provider packet that she designed and put together.”
— Marge Samson, Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Arizona
“Josh Hollabaugh’s work continues to be invaluable to Marion County Health Department. In particular, we have appreciated the data analysis he has provided to us and the work he has done to help others in Marion County Health Department know how to analyze data from Survey Monkey. The guidelines he has developed will benefit us greatly over the next few years. I also appreciate his efforts to try to engage schools in the immunization poster contest.”
— Judy Cleave, Marion County Health Department, Oregon
- Page last reviewed: January 18, 2017
- Page last updated: January 20, 2017
- Content source: