Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne, communicable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, each year nearly 9 million people around the world become sick with TB. Law-based interventions to control TB, in use for more than a century, remain highly relevant today. CDC, in cooperation with the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and other partners, has developed and facilitated development of a portfolio of law-related resources to prevent and control the spread of TB.
Find more information on the TB website.
- Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws [PDF-2.1MB]
Resource for public health officials and their legal counsel to support the enactment, promulgation, amendment, or implementation of laws to prevent and control TB. - Tuberculosis Control Laws and Policies: A Handbook for Public Health and Legal Practitioners [PDF-670KB]
Information on laws related to TB control to help public health practitioners and their legal counsel understand the legal environment for the control of communicable diseases, including TB. - CDC Scenario-Based Assessment: Understanding and Sufficiency of States' TB Control Laws (Toolkit)
- User's Guide for Scenario-Based Assessment of Understanding and Sufficiency of TB Control Laws [PDF-460KB]
This users' guide includes the scenario, PowerPoint presentation, and instructions for using this assessment. - CDC Scenario-Based Assessment: Understanding and Sufficiency of States' TB Control Laws[PDF-63KB]
A hypothetical scenario that TB professionals can use to explore their understanding of and identify potential limitations of or gaps in legal authorities and treatment around TB. - Scenario-Based Assessment: Understanding and Sufficiency of States' TB Control Laws [PDF-392KB]
Accompanies the scenario above.
- User's Guide for Scenario-Based Assessment of Understanding and Sufficiency of TB Control Laws [PDF-460KB]
- Express Tuberculosis Control Laws in Selected U.S. Jurisdictions report [PDF-1.2MB]. Oscar A. Cabrera,O'Neill, James G. Hodge, Jr. and Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, LL.D. (Hon.), The Centers for Law & the Public’s Health: A Collaborative at Johns Hopkins and Georgetown Universities. An examination of key legal patterns of express TB control laws present in 25 states.
Disclaimer: Information available on this website that was not developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not necessarily represent any CDC policy, position, or endorsement of that information or of its sources. The information contained on this website is not legal advice; if you have questions about a specific law or its application you should consult your legal counsel.
- Page last reviewed: April 13, 2012
- Page last updated: April 13, 2012
- Content source: