On Public Health Security Newsletter
Have you heard the latest news from CDC/PHPR Director, Dr. Stephen Redd? With the start of 2013, PHPR launched a monthly e-newsletter for partners, On Public Health Security. In this newsletter, Dr. Redd provides insight on CDC’s activities and initiatives in an effort to promote collaboration and information sharing.
On Public Health Security is published every month. Subscribe today to receive your own copy each month and read current and past issues below!

This newsletter is sent out monthly by the CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. Sign up today by entering your email address below!
- September: CDC’s Strategic National Stockpile: Impact of the Global Medical Supply Chain
- August: National Preparedness Month 2017: You Have the Power to Prepare
- July: 15 Years of PHEP: Sharing Local Success Stories
- June: The 2018 President’s Budget Request: Planning for the Next Fiscal Year
- May: 2017 Preparedness Summit: Preparedness in a Changing World
- April: Help Us Communicate CDC’s Preparedness Work: New Tools for Partners
- March: Visiting CDC at Home: Partner Visit Promotes Collaboration
- February: CDC’s Global Mission: Stopping Diseases Wherever They Begin
- January: New Year, Renewed Focus on PHPR Priorities for CDC
- December: From A to Zika, Recapping CDC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Work in 2016
- November: Reflecting on CDC’s PHEP Program: Progress and Plans for the Future
- October: Fighting the Flu: CDC Prepares for the 2016-2017 Influenza Season
- September: US Public Health Service’s Commissioned Corps Defends Public Health at Home and Abroad
- August: The Power of Preparedness: National Preparedness Month 2016
- July: Federal Select Agent Program Making Major Progress to Improve Effectiveness
- June: CDC and Partners Work Together to Fight the Zika Virus in Puerto Rico
- May: Resiliency and Recovery Reverberate at the 2016 Preparedness Summit
- April: The Evolving Role of the Strategic National Stockpile
- March: CDC Work Intensifies to Fight the Zika Virus
- February: PHPR Funding: The President’s Budget Request for 2017
- January: PHPR’s Priorities for 2016
- December: CDC’s Emergency Response Work in 2015: A Year of Challenges and Great Progress
- November: Enhancing the Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP)
- October: Preparing CDC Leaders for Future Public Health Emergencies: The Incident Management Training and Development Program
- September: Promoting Preparedness at Home for our Workforce: The Ready CDC Program
- August: PHPR Focusing on Community Resilience for Preparedness Month: A Preview for September
- July: PHPR Priorities
- June: Hurricane Season Arrives as We Look Back and Learn from Hurricane Sandy
- May: 2015 Preparedness Summit Highlights
- April: Communicating with Congress
- March: The Importance of Evaluating Preparedness and Response
- February: CDC Preparedness Initiatives and the 2016 President’s Budget
- January: Greetings from the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response’s New Director, Dr. Stephen Redd
- December: PHPR’s 2014 Successes
- November: Highlighting the Latest on the 2014 Ebola Response
- October: Strengthening Preparedness in the Midst of the Ebola Response
- September: PHPR focuses on Vulnerable Populations during National Preparedness Month
- August: PHPR supports three simultaneous responses into Ebola, Polio, and Unaccompanied Children
- July: New PHPR Leadership on the Importance of Collaboration
- June: The departure of Ali S. Khan, MD, MPH, Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response
- May: Introducing Code Name: Operation Dragon Fire (ODF)
- April: YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) visits CDC
- March: 2014 Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Priorities
- February: A Health Threat Anywhere is a Health Threat Everywhere
- January: Thinking Ahead – Promoting Community Resilience
- December: PHPR’s greatest achievements of 2013
- November: Stronger, Better, Faster: the CDC Community Comes Together and its Emergency Management Program Obtains Accreditation
- September: Recognizing 10 years of supporting our partners on the front lines
- August: Bringing Attention to National Preparedness Month
- July: Just Launched: PHPR Partner website!
- June: Taking lessons from the media
- May: American Red Cross visits CDC
- April: State and local partnerships highlighted at the Public Health Preparedness Summit
- March: National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI)
- February: PHPR’s Projected Priority Goals
- January: PHPR’s Accomplishments of 2012

- Page last reviewed: October 11, 2017
- Page last updated: October 11, 2017
- Content source: