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Download Maxi-Vac Version 1.0 and Maxi-Vac Alternative

Why have these software programs?
Smallpox was declared globally eradicated in 1980; however, there are concerns that the smallpox virus could be used for bioterrorism. These programs are part of CDC’s Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines, developed to provide direction to state and local health officials for responding to a smallpox emergency.

What can these programs do?
Maxi-Vac 1.0 and Maxi-Vac Alternative are programs that can be used by state and local public health officials to plan large-scale smallpox vaccination clinics with maximum patient flow-through. The programs can be downloaded (for free) and the user can then select the number of human resources available to operate a clinic (e.g., physicians, nurses, and clerical staff). Maxi-Vac (either version) will then allocate those staff among the pre-designated required activities. More about what these programs do.

What are the differences between Maxi-Vac 1.0 and Maxi-Vac Alternative?
There are differences in the number of personnel which a user can select, the type of activities (size of orientation room, need for orientation and/ or witnesses), and the percentage of families that need more detailed pre-vaccination medical screening. There are also differences in processing times per process or station. These differences are fully detailed in the manuals, which are available as either separate downloads or via the “Help” menu button in each program. More about the differences between these versions.

Which version should I use?
Each public health unit is likely to face circumstances which may be unique to that unit. Thus, no one scenario will adequately describe all the possible combinations. The authors of Maxi-Vac strongly encourage you to examine the differences between the two versions before deciding which version to use. Results from both models should not be viewed as definitive, but rather as a guide to the first steps in planning such clinics.

Note on construction dates:
The Maxi-Vac Version 1.0 was updated on March 28, 2003, to improve accuracy and performance. No significant changes to the program were made. Maxi-Vac Alternative was completed in July 2005.

The findings and conclusions of these manuals and software programs are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Install/Manual Maxi-Vac 1.0 Maxi-Vac Alternative
1. Select the link for the desired version of Maxi-Vac to download the setup files to your computer.
2. Open the downloaded *.cab file (requires a compression program).
3. Double-click the file “setup.exe.”
Maxi-Vac v1.0 [CAB – 1MB]
NOTE: Opening this file requires a compression program.
Maxi-Vac Alternative [CAB – 1.24MB]
NOTE: Opening this file requires a compression program.
Documentation Manual Maxi-Vac 1.0 Manual [PDF – 31 pages] Maxi-Vac Alternative Manual [PDF – 31 pages]

Visual Basic Runtime v6.0 (1 MB)
Download only if you do not have the Visual Basic run-time files installed. This is a self-extracting executable file that installs the latest versions of the Microsoft Visual Basic run-time files required by all applications created with Visual Basic 6.0. The files include the fixes shipped with Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5.