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Know the Facts

Protect your health.

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GYT: Get Yourself Tested

Understand STD testing recommendations.

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Materials designed to raise STD awareness.

April is STD Awareness Month

Know the Facts! GYT: Get Yourself Tested

When it comes to preventing and testing for sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), people often make false assumptions about how to stop the spread of STDs, how STD tests are done, and who should be tested. But the truth is that preventing, testing for, and treating STDs is very straightforward. This STD Awareness Month CDC encourages you to Know the Facts and GYT: Get Yourself Tested.

STDs affect people of all ages, yet these diseases take a particularly heavy toll on young people. GYT is a youthful, empowering, social movement to encourage young people to get tested and treated for STDs and HIV, as needed.

This STD Awareness Month, you can make a difference by sharing helpful, factual information with your friends, family, colleagues, patients, and community members. Please take advantage of the resources available to help increase awareness about STD prevention and testing, or order GYT campaign materials for your school, clinic, or organization.

GYT is a partnership between the American College Health Association, Kaiser Family Foundation, National Coalition of STD Directors, MTV, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Technical consultation for GYT is provided by CDC. Visit for more information about the campaign.

More Resources

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