This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated.
- Table 1.1 - Primary and Secondary Syphilis in Southern States, 1980-1995
- Table 1.2 - Primary and Secondary Syphilis among Blacks in Southern States, 1981-1993
- Table 2.6 - Definition of Categories Used in Data Analysis
- Table 3 - Summary of Recommendations
- Table 3.A - Summary - Case Study Sites—Location, Population, Demographics
- Table 3.B - Case Study Sites—Economic and Social Characteristics
- Table 3.C - Summary - Case Study Sites—Public Health, Other Health Care
- Table 3.D - Summary - Case Study Sites—Syphilis Rates, Those at Risk for Syphilis
- Table 3.E - Case Study Sites—Institutions, Barriers
- Table 5 - Summary of Recommendations
Note: Some tables are included in Chapter pages.
- Page last reviewed: February 15, 1999 (archived document)
- Content source: