WTC Health Program: Other Notices

The WTC Health Program publishes various notices in the Federal Register that provide information to the public about various program activities. Listed below are various program notices. They are listed in the order they were published with the most recent notices at the top of the list.

Note: For meeting notices for the WTC Health Program's Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), please visit the STAC Web page.

Other WTC Health Program Notices Published in 2016

  • Request for Nominations of Candidates to Serve on the World Trade Center Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (the STAC or the Committee)
    Federal Register, Vo. 81, No. 37
    Pages: 9472-9473
    Published: February 25, 2016

    Nominations must be submitted (postmarked or electronically received) by March 31, 2016.

Other WTC Health Program Notices Published in 2015

  • Request for Nominations of Candidates to Serve on the World Trade Center Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (the STAC or the Committee)
    Federal Register, Vo. 80, No. 36
    Pages: 9729-9730
    Published: February 24, 2015

    Nominations must be submitted (postmarked or electronically received) by March 31, 2015.

Other WTC Health Program Notices Published in 2014

  • Request for Nominations of Candidates to Serve on the World Trade Center Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (the STAC or the Committee)
    Federal Register, Vo. 79, No. 20
    Pages: 4911-4912
    Published: January 30, 2014

    Nominations must be submitted (postmarked or electronically received) by March 14, 2014.

Other WTC Health Program Notices Published in 2013

  • Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee: Nominations of Candidates
    Federal Register, Vo. 78, No. 128
    Pages: 40152-40153
    Published: July 3, 2013

    Nominations must be submitted (postmarked or electronically received) by August 9, 2013.

    Note: This notice supersedes the following documents published in the Federal Register: June 11, 2013 Volume 78, Number 112, Pages 35036–35037; June 21, 2013 Volume 78, Number 120, Page 37542; and June 28, 2013 Volume 78, Number 125, Page 38983. Nominations must be submitted (postmarked or electronically received) by August 9, 2013.

  • Certification of Breast Cancer in WTC Responders and Survivors Exposed to PCBs
    Action: Changes in Certification Requirements
    Federal Register, Vol. 78, No. 74
    Pages: 22794-22795
    Published: April 17, 2013
    Effective date: April 17, 2013

Other WTC Health Program Notices Published in 2011

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