WTC Health Program: Reports

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Listed below are the reports related to the WTC Health Program:
  • Approach Used to Add Cancers to List of Covered Conditions Was Reasonable, but Could Be Improved

    About this document: The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) was asked to review the WTCHP Administrator's approach to add cancers and the effects of the additions on the WTCHP and VCF. This report (1) describes and assesses the approach for adding cancers to the list of covered conditions, (2) describes the effects the addition has had on the WTCHP, and (3) describes the effects the addition has had on the VCF. GAO reviewed relevant laws and documents, interviewed WTCHP officials, and convened a meeting of experts with the assistance of the Institute of Medicine. GAO examined data for services paid by the WTCHP from October 2012 through March 2014, and VCF claims data as of March 31, 2014.

  • Evidence of Concluding Dates for Pentagon-Shanksville Response.pdf
    (70 pages, 907 KB)
    February 18, 2012

    About this document: This document: (1) identifies the important response and cleanup events after the attacks at the Pentagon and Shanksville sites, (2) identifies the dates that response cleanup activities ended at the Pentagon and Shanksville sites, and (3) provides information on the potential exposures to responders and volunteers during response and cleanup activities at the Pentagon and Shanksville sites after the attacks.

  • First Periodic Review of Cancer
    (106 pages, 731 KB)
    July, 2011

    About this document: The review is based on three information sources. First, a systematic search was conducted for peer-reviewed findings on exposure and cancer resulting from the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that have been published in the scientific and medical literature between September 11, 2001, and July 1, 2011. Second, findings and recommendations related to cancer were solicited from the WTC Clinical Centers of Excellence and Data Centers, the WTC Health Registry at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the New York State Department of Health. Third, information from the public about cancer was solicited through a Request for Information published in the Federal Register on March 8, 2011, and March 29, 2011
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