Abnormal Discharge 267
Trichomonas is a very uncomfortable and itchy STI. Men usually
do not have any signs, but they can carry it in the penis and pass it
to a woman during sex.
• gray or yellow, bubbly discharge
• bad-smelling discharge
• red and itchy genital area and vagina
• pain or burning when you pass urine
Gonorrhea and chlamydia
Gonorrhea and chlamydia are both serious STIs, but they are
easy to cure if treated early. If not, they can cause severe infection
and infertility in both women and men. In a man, the signs usually
begin 2 to 5 days after he had sex with an infected person. But a
man can have no signs and still be infected. In a woman, the signs
may not begin for weeks or even months. Even if you do not have
any signs, you can still pass gonorrhea and chlamydia to another
Signs in a woman:
• yellow or green discharge from the
vagina or anus
• pain or burning when passing urine
• fever
• pain in the lower belly
• pain or bleeding during sex
• or no signs at all
Signs in a man:
• discharge from his penis
• pain or burning when he passes urine
• pain or swelling of the testicles
• or no signs at all
➤ Gonorrhea and
chlamydia have the
same signs, so get
treated for both.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012