Every day, women are slapped, kicked, beaten, humiliated,
threatened, sexually abused, and even murdered by their
partners. But often we do not hear about this violence,
because the women who are abused may feel ashamed, alone,
and afraid to speak out. Many doctors, nurses, and health
workers do not recognize violence as the serious health
problem it is.
This chapter is about different types of violence that occur
to women and girls. It can help you understand why violence
happens, what you can do about it, and how you can work for
change in your community.
➤ There is no reason
why a person should
be beaten or abused
in any way.
Although this chapter talks about violence between a woman and a man, violence
can happen in any close relationship: for example, between a mother-in-law and
her son’s new wife, between parents and their children, between an older and
younger child, between family members and an older person living in the home,
and between partners of the same sex.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012