UTF-8 Letterlike Symbols
Range: Decimal 8448-8527. Hex 2100-214F.
If you want any of these characters displayed in HTML, you can use the HTML entity found in the table below.
If the character does not have an HTML entity, you can use the decimal (dec) or hexadecimal (hex) reference.
<p>I will display ™</p>
<p>I will display ™</p>
<p>I will display ™</p>
Will display as:
I will display ™
I will display ™
I will display ™
Try it Yourself »
Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below.
Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities.
Char | Dec | Hex | Entity | Name |
℀ | 8448 | 2100 | ACCOUNT OFTry it | |
℁ | 8449 | 2101 | ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECTTry it | |
ℂ | 8450 | 2102 | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL CTry it | |
℃ | 8451 | 2103 | DEGREE CELSIUSTry it | |
℄ | 8452 | 2104 | CENTRE LINE SYMBOLTry it | |
℅ | 8453 | 2105 | CARE OFTry it | |
℆ | 8454 | 2106 | CADA UNATry it | |
ℇ | 8455 | 2107 | EULER CONSTANTTry it | |
℈ | 8456 | 2108 | SCRUPLETry it | |
℉ | 8457 | 2109 | DEGREE FAHRENHEITTry it | |
ℊ | 8458 | 210A | SCRIPT SMALL GTry it | |
ℋ | 8459 | 210B | SCRIPT CAPITAL HTry it | |
ℌ | 8460 | 210C | BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL HTry it | |
ℍ | 8461 | 210D | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL HTry it | |
ℎ | 8462 | 210E | PLANCK CONSTANTTry it | |
ℏ | 8463 | 210F | PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PITry it | |
ℐ | 8464 | 2110 | SCRIPT CAPITAL ITry it | |
ℑ | 8465 | 2111 | ℑ | BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL ITry it |
ℒ | 8466 | 2112 | SCRIPT CAPITAL LTry it | |
ℓ | 8467 | 2113 | SCRIPT SMALL LTry it | |
℔ | 8468 | 2114 | L B BAR SYMBOLTry it | |
ℕ | 8469 | 2115 | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL NTry it | |
№ | 8470 | 2116 | NUMERO SIGNTry it | |
℗ | 8471 | 2117 | SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHTTry it | |
℘ | 8472 | 2118 | ℘ | SCRIPT CAPITAL PTry it |
ℙ | 8473 | 2119 | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PTry it | |
ℚ | 8474 | 211A | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL QTry it | |
ℛ | 8475 | 211B | SCRIPT CAPITAL RTry it | |
ℜ | 8476 | 211C | ℜ | BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL RTry it |
ℝ | 8477 | 211D | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL RTry it | |
℞ | 8478 | 211E | PRESCRIPTION TAKETry it | |
℟ | 8479 | 211F | RESPONSETry it | |
℠ | 8480 | 2120 | SERVICE MARKTry it | |
℡ | 8481 | 2121 | TELEPHONE SIGNTry it | |
™ | 8482 | 2122 | ™ | TRADE MARK SIGNTry it |
℣ | 8483 | 2123 | VERSICLETry it | |
ℤ | 8484 | 2124 | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL ZTry it | |
℥ | 8485 | 2125 | OUNCE SIGNTry it | |
Ω | 8486 | 2126 | Ω | OHM SIGNTry it |
℧ | 8487 | 2127 | ℧ | INVERTED OHM SIGNTry it |
ℨ | 8488 | 2128 | BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL ZTry it | |
℩ | 8489 | 2129 | TURNED GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTATry it | |
K | 8490 | 212A | KELVIN SIGNTry it | |
Å | 8491 | 212B | ANGSTROM SIGNTry it | |
ℬ | 8492 | 212C | SCRIPT CAPITAL BTry it | |
ℭ | 8493 | 212D | BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL CTry it | |
℮ | 8494 | 212E | ESTIMATED SYMBOLTry it | |
ℯ | 8495 | 212F | SCRIPT SMALL ETry it | |
ℰ | 8496 | 2130 | SCRIPT CAPITAL ETry it | |
ℱ | 8497 | 2131 | SCRIPT CAPITAL FTry it | |
Ⅎ | 8498 | 2132 | TURNED CAPITAL FTry it | |
ℳ | 8499 | 2133 | SCRIPT CAPITAL MTry it | |
ℴ | 8500 | 2134 | SCRIPT SMALL OTry it | |
ℵ | 8501 | 2135 | ℵ | ALEF SYMBOLTry it |
ℶ | 8502 | 2136 | BET SYMBOLTry it | |
ℷ | 8503 | 2137 | GIMEL SYMBOLTry it | |
ℸ | 8504 | 2138 | DALET SYMBOLTry it | |
ℹ | 8505 | 2139 | INFORMATION SOURCETry it | |
℺ | 8506 | 213A | ROTATED CAPITAL QTry it | |
℻ | 8507 | 213B | FACSIMILE SIGNTry it | |
ℼ | 8508 | 213C | DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL PITry it | |
ℽ | 8509 | 213D | DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL GAMMATry it | |
ℾ | 8510 | 213E | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL GAMMATry it | |
ℿ | 8511 | 213F | DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PITry it | |
⅀ | 8512 | 2140 | DOUBLE-STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATIONTry it | |
⅁ | 8513 | 2141 | TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL GTry it | |
⅂ | 8514 | 2142 | TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL LTry it | |
⅃ | 8515 | 2143 | REVERSED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL LTry it | |
⅄ | 8516 | 2144 | TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL YTry it | |
ⅅ | 8517 | 2145 | DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL DTry it | |
ⅆ | 8518 | 2146 | DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL DTry it | |
ⅇ | 8519 | 2147 | DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL ETry it | |
ⅈ | 8520 | 2148 | DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL ITry it | |
ⅉ | 8521 | 2149 | DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL JTry it | |
⅊ | 8522 | 214A | PROPERTY LINETry it | |
⅋ | 8523 | 214B | TURNED AMPERSANDTry it | |
⅌ | 8524 | 214C | PER SIGNTry it | |
⅍ | 8525 | 214D | AKTIESELSKABTry it | |
ⅎ | 8526 | 214E | TURNED SMALL FTry it | |
⅏ | 8527 | 214F | SYMBOL FOR SAMARITAN SOURCETry it |