32. The Holy Mass

  1. Real presence of Jesus Christ in the Communion

    In the Communion, and under the apperance of species- bread and wine-, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus were hidden.

   Jesus instituted the Communion on Maundy Thursday, during the Last Supper. He said: “Take, eat; this is my body.’ Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26, 27-28)

   Jesus started to be in the Communion at the moment of the consagration during the Mass. The host is like wheat bread before consagration, and started to be present in the Eucharist at the moment of the consacration. The host is wheat bread before consacration, and becomes onto the body of Jesus inmediately after it. In the same way, the chalice is full of wine with some drops of water after the consacration, and before it is the Blood of Jesus Christ.

   Also, our Lord is complete in each and every part of the holy species.

   The sacrifice of the New Law of Jesus Christ is the sacrifice of the cross, renewed in the Holy Mass.

  A. Answer the questions

 Jesus instituted Communion the

 It was instituted during the

 Jesus Christ is in at the moment of

 It was weath bread

 It is the Body of Christ

 There are wine with drops of water

 It is the Blood of Christ

  2. The Holy Mass

   The sacrifice is the offer to God, by a legitim minister, of a sensible thing which could be destroyed or changed in his honour. This is done to recognize his glory and majesty.

   The Mass is the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, which is offered by a priest in memory and renovation of the sacrifice of the cross.

   The sacrifice of the Mass renovate by a sacrament the sacrifice of the cross, because on it there is a priest and a victim, the same Jesus Christ, who offered and sacrificed himself for us. Jesus offered his life in a bloody way, in the cross, but in the altar it happens in a bloodless way.

   The purposes of the Mass are four: adore God, give thanks to God, ask for certain benefits and ask God pardon for our sins. The Mass has an infinite value due to the infinite dignity of the victim.

   The main parts of the Mass are: the Offertory, the Consacration and the Communion.

  B. Choose an answer

 The sacrifice is the offering to God of a

 In the Mass the body and blood of Jesus Christ are offered to

 The priest and victim of the sacrifice is

 In the cross, Jesus offered himself in a … way

 In the Mass, He offered himself in a

 The purposes of the Mass

 The main parts of the Mass are

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. When did Jesus establish the Eucharist? Jesus Christ established the Eucharist at Maundy Thursday.

2. When did Jesus start to be in the Eucharist?  Jesus Christ started to be in the Eucharist at the moment of the consacration in the Mass.

3. What is the Holy Mass?  The Holy Mass is the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who offers himself to God by the ministery of the priest, in memory and renovation of the sacrifice in the Cross.

4. What are the main parts of the Holy Mass?  The main parts of the Holy Mass are: the Offertory, the Consacration and the Communion.

  C. Choose the correct answer



 1. When did Jesus establish the Eucharist?

 2. When did Jesus start to be in the Eucharist?

 3. What is the Holy Mass?

 4. What are the main parts of the Holy Mass?



 At the moment of the consacration in the Mass.


 The Offertory, the Consacration and the Communion.


 The sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who offers himself to God by the ministery of the priest, in memory and renovation of the sacrifice in thee Cross.


 At Maundy Thursday, during the Last Supper.

  Intentions for a Christian life

   - To live the Holy Mass in a proper way, taking care of our attitude and praying.

   - To assist at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

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