
< Serie prácticas educativas‎ | 11. Aprendizaje académico y socio-emocional
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  1. Adelman, H.S.; Taylor, L. (2000). "Moving prevention from the fringes into the fabric of school improvement". Journal of education and psychological consultation (Mahwah, NJ), vol. 11, núm. 1, 7–36.
  2. Berman, S. (1997). Children’s social consciousness and the development of social responsibility. Albany, NY, State University of New York. (Serie SUNY: Democracy and education).
  3. Billig, S. (2000). The impact of service learning on youth, schools, and communities: research on K-12 school-based service learning, 1990-1999. Disponible en: Building school success on social and emotional learning. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.
  4. Cohen, J., ed. (1999). Educating minds and hearts: social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.
  5. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. (2002). Safe and sound: An educational leader’s guide to evidence based social and emotional learning programs. Chicago, IL, CASAL.
  6. Comer, J. P., et al., eds. (1999). Child by child: the Comer process for change in education. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.
  7. Connell, D.B., et al. (1986). "School health education evaluation". International journal of educational research (Tarrytown, NY), vol. 10, 245–345.
  8. Elias, M.J.; Tobias, S.E. (1996). Social problem solving interventions in the schools: curriculum materials for educators. Distribuido por National Professional Resources:
  9. Elias, M.J.; Tobias, S.E.; Friedlander, B.S. (2000). Emotionally intelligent parenting: how to raise a self-disciplined, responsible, socially skilled child. New York, NY, Random House/Three Rivers Press.
  10. Elias, M.J., et al. (1997). Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators. Alexandria, VA, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  11. Epstein, J.L. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: preparing educators and improving schools. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.
  12. Fetterman, D.M.; Kaftarian, S. J.; Wandersman, A. 1996. Empowerment evaluation: knowledge and tools for self-assessment and accountability. Newbury Park, CA, Sage.
  13. Gardner, H. 2000. Intelligence reframed: multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY, Basic Books.
  14. Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ. New York, NY, Bantam Books. [Disponible en diferentes ediciones internacionalmente].
  15. Harvard Graduate School of Education. 2003. The evaluation exchange. Cambridge, MA:
  16. Huang, L.; Gibbs, J. 1992. "Partners or adversaries? Home-school collaboration across culture, race, and ethnicity". En: Christenson, S; Close Conoley, J., eds. Home-school collaboration: enhancing children’s academic and social competence, p. 81–110. Silver Spring, MD, National Association of School Psychologists.
  17. Jessor, R. 1993. "Successful adolescent development among youth in high-risk settings". American psychologist (Washington, DC), vol. 48, 177–216.
  18. Johnson, D.W.; Johnson, R.T. 1994. Learning together and alone: cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning. Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon.
  19. Kessler, R. 2000. The soul of education: helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school. Alexandria, VA, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  20. Kriete, R.; Bechtel, L. 2002. The morning meeting book. Greenfield, MA, Northeast Foundation for Children.
  21. Ladd, G.W.; Mize, J. 1983. "A cognitive social-learning model of social skill training". Psychological review (Washington, DC), vol. 90, 127–57.
  22. Lambert, N.M.; McCombs, B.L., eds. 1998. How students learn: reforming schools through learner-centered education. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association.
  23. Lantieri, L., ed. 2001. Schools with spirit: nurturing the inner lives of children and teachers. Boston, MA, Beacon Press.
  24. Leiberman, A. 1995. "Practices that support teacher development". Phi delta kappan (Bloomington, IN), vol. 76, 591–96.
  25. Lewis, C.C.; Schaps, E.; Watson, M.S. 1996. "The caring classroom’s academic edge". Educational leadership (Alexandria, VA), vol. 54, 16–21.
  26. National Commission on Service Learning. 2002. The power of service learning. Newton, MA, NCSL.
  27. Noddings, N. 1992. The challenge to care in schools: an alternative approach to education. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.
  28. Novick, B.; Kress, J.; Elias, M.J. (2002). Building learning communities with character: how to integrate academic, social, and emotional learning. Alexandria, VA, ASCD.
  29. O’Neil, J. (1997). "Building schools as communities: a conversation with James Comer". Educational leadership (Alexandria, VA), vol. 54, 6–10.
  30. Osterman, K.F. (2000). "Students’ need for belonging in the school community". Review of educational research (Washington, DC), vol. 70, 323–67.
  31. Pasi, R. (2001). Higher expectations: promoting social emotional learning and academic achievement in your school. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.
  32. Perry, C.L.; Jessor, R. (1985). "The concept of health promotion and the prevention of adolescent drug abuse". Health education quarterly (London, UK), vol. 12, 169–84.
  33. Salovey, P.; Sluyter, D., eds. (1997). Emotional development and emotional intelligence: educational implications. New York, NY, Basic Books.
  34. Topping, K. 2000. Tutoring. Geneva, Switzerland, International Bureau of Education and the International Academy of Education [Serie Prácticas educativas, folleto núm. 5, véase:].
  35. Topping, K.J.; Bremner, W.G. (1998). Promoting social competence: practice and resources guide. Edinburgh, UK, Scottish Office Education and Industry Department.
  36. Utne O’Brien, M.; Weissberg, R.P.; Shriver, T.P. (2003). "Educational leadership for academic, social, and emotional learning". En: Elias, M.J.; Arnold, H.; Hussey, C., eds. EQ + IQ = Best leadership practices for caring and successful schools. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press.
  37. Weissberg, R.P.; et al., eds. (1997). Healthy children 2010: establishing preventive services: issues in children’s and families’ lives, vol. 9. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications.
  38. Zins, J.E., et al., eds. (2003). Building school success on social and emotional learning. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.