Median artery

Median artery
LocationForearm, when present
FunctionAnatomical variant artery found in 35% of humans and some other animals.
Anatomical terminology

The median artery is an artery that is occasionally found in humans and other animals.[1] It is present in 35% of individuals born in the late 20th century.[2] When present, it is found in the forearm, between the radial artery and ulnar artery. It runs with the median nerve and supplies the same structures as that nerve. It may be unilateral or bilateral.

It passes deep to the flexor retinaculum and may terminate at one or more of the palmar arches.

In a deep wrist laceration, such as from a suicide attempt, the median artery may be incised, risking exsanguination.

An individual who does not have a median artery appears to suffer no ill effects.


  1. Standring, Susan (2016). Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice (41 ed.). Elsevier Limited. pp. 862–894. ISBN 978-0-7020-5230-9.
  2. Lucas, Teghan; Kumaratilake, Jaliya; Henneberg, Maciej (September 10, 2020). "Recently increased prevalence of the human median artery of the forearm: A microevolutionary change". Journal of Anatomy. 237 (4): 623–631. doi:10.1111/joa.13224. PMC 7495300. PMID 32914433. S2CID 221622823.
  • Rodríguez-Niedenführ, M., et al. "Median artery revisited." Journal of anatomy 195.01 (1999): 57-63.
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