I'm trying to unlock cryptdisks over wifi+ssh. It's fairly common to have luks disks + ssh, but I've never seen a tutorial geared towards wifi.

In fact, if you run update-initramfs -u -v -k $(uname -r) as suggested in this post and every other post essentially, the script explicitly lists wireless and a bunch of similar sounding kernel modules as excluded. I have gone about the business of editing out those exclusions, and also trying these patches

Nothing seems to work. On boot, the pi is not visible on the network (interface wlan0 not found is commonly shown), and dropbear-initramfs never seems to "answer". nmap never shows the device or port.

Rather than debug my particular setup (which I would appreciate)...

is there a canonical way to have dropbear-initramfs pick up over a wifi network so that I can retreive keyfiles or ssh in before cryptsetup asks for passwords

I'm on a PI-zero-w or 4b with latest raspbian

1 Answers1


Have you seen this? https://gist.github.com/telenieko/d17544fc7e4b347beffa87252393384c

Haven't tried it yet, was just googling the question because I'm thinking of trying it out and while doing so I stumbled upon your question and the gist I've linked above.

Also there's a gentoo forum thread about the topic there: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1040452-start-0.html

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  • Please post the relevant details from those sources here. Answers consisting only of links are not particularly helpful and are liable to be deleted. – Chenmunka Jul 22 '21 at 17:17