Want to be a more productive, action-oriented person? If you feel like you’re always planning and never doing, there are plenty of ways to change that. In this article, we’ll walk through 17 things all proactive people do—from taking action and embracing responsibility, to controlling your emotions and focusing on solutions. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about being a more proactive person!


Set concrete, realistic goals.

  1. Taking action is great, but only if it’s calculated and focused. This is a great way to keep yourself motivated and moving forward. If you set goals that are out of reach, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment and are much less likely to be motivated to continue working towards your goal.[1]
    • Instead of telling yourself to lose all of your extra weight within a month, set a goal to swim or run a mile each day.
    • Make sure that your goals are what you truly want. For instance, your goal on paper might be to get a raise at work, while you truly want to prove your parents wrong.[2]
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Pick a single important task and do it now.

  1. If you’ve been putting off something big, get started this instant. Having a never-ending list of tasks to complete can be overwhelming, and it’s likely to cause you to run from one task to the next without ever actually completing one. Instead of trying to do everything at once, focus on the things that are most important and aim for accomplishing those.[3]
    • If your to-do list consists of things such as cleaning out the closet, taking the car to get inspected, and reorganizing the bedroom, you should focus on the thing that is most important — getting the car inspected.

Accomplish one minor task every day.

  1. Staying on top of the small things keeps them from piling up. By taking care of regular day-to-day tasks instead of putting them off, you’ll create less stress for yourself while also making sure those small tasks don’t turn into a larger problem. A little effort up-front could save you from a larger crisis later.
    • Pay particular attention to preventative maintenance, whether that means checking the fluids in your car, restocking your pantry, or setting aside a bit of money in savings each week.
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Let go of the stuff outside your control.

  1. If you can’t control something, dedicating energy to it is a waste of time. It’s useless to spend time worrying about things that you can’t actively change. Use your energy and motivation to work on tackling tasks that you know you can accomplish. This will allow you to get much more done while feeling more positive.[4]
    • For example, if you're stressing out about your son's grades at school, you can't make him get good grades. However, you can help him study for tests, make sure he's getting enough sleep, and encourage him to take his grades seriously.

Take initiative instead of waiting for help.

  1. Why wait on other people when you can do something yourself? You are the only one who can accomplish your goals and fix your problems. While there are people in your life who will support you, you need to rely on yourself to achieve success. Start taking initiative and embrace the challenge when you run into problems.[5]
    • Instead of placing the blame on someone or something else when a problem arises, take ownership of the issue and work towards solving it yourself.
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Reflect on your actions.

  1. Monitoring whether you’re making progress can help guide your next move. Every once in a while, stop for a minute to reflect on what you’ve been doing. If you aren’t reaching your goals, think about how you could perform tasks more efficiently and come up with a new plan.[6]
    • Create a plan, checklist, or routine to accomplish the task.
    • Look for steps in the process you can eliminate, consolidate, or shorten.

Be solution oriented.

  1. Focusing on your problems can prevent you from making progress. While it can be easy to see problems as overwhelming, negative hurdles, try to change that mindset. Focus on becoming a problem-solver and figure out solutions to problems that you come across.[7]
    • If you see problems as things that can be fixed, you’ll find it much easier to come up with a solution.
    • For example, if a co-worker has really bad body odor after exercising during their lunch break, you could kindly suggest that they shower at the gym or go to the gym after work.[8]
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Spend your time with motivated people.

  1. Dumping your energy into toxic relationships is wasteful. To be proactive, you want to spend time with people who will push to you excel and take action. If you’re surrounded by driven, motivated people, you’ll be more likely to stay motivated as well.
    • If you’ve been spending time with someone who is negative, lazy, or similarly unmotivated, it’s time to put some distance between yourself and this person.

Keep a calm and level head.

  1. Giving into anger and frustration can keep you from being productive. If you find yourself getting upset when talking to someone, take a few deep breaths to calm down and refocus. While it can be easy to lash out in anger, it's much better to communicate calmly and effectively.[9]
    • You can take deep breaths to calm yourself down during any situation where you're feeling upset, whether communicating with someone or not.
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Hold yourself accountable.

  1. Refuse to accept excuses from yourself and make it up if you fall behind. When it comes to getting things done, you need to hold yourself to the task, making sure you accomplish it in an appropriate amount of time. This means taking responsibility and giving each task a sense of urgency.[10]
    • Consider telling someone else all of the things you're hoping to hold yourself accountable for. This person will help you stick to your goals and let you know when you could be doing better.

Develop a routine.

  1. Consistency is huge when it comes using your time efficiently. Stick to a schedule, wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day, and set time aside for exercise, self-care, and hobbies. The more regular your routine is, the easier it will be to maximize the way you spend your time. Know how much you can handle and take small, consistent steps towards your goals.[12]
    • If you make promises you can’t keep or set unrealistic expectations, you’re going to disappoint yourself as well as others.

Turn anxiety and fear into something constructive.

  1. The ability to turn the bad into something good is key to staying focused. Instead of being bogged down by feelings of anxiety or an unhealthy amount of overthinking, try distracting yourself by getting things done. Channeling your energy into completing small tasks will help you feel positive and productive.[13]
    • For example, if you can't stop stressing and worrying about whether or not you'll be getting a raise at work, set your mind to simpler tasks, such as fixing up the yard or doing the dishes.
    • Talking to people you trust about the things that are worrying you can also be a great way to get some advice while relieving some of your stress. For instance, if someone is bullying you at work, you could sit down with an HR rep and explain what's going on.[14]
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Pacific Life Coach
    Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Pacific Life Coach

    When you're overwhelmed try getting out of your head. Throwing cold water on your face can lower your heart rate and anxiety. You can also go outside and get some exercise. Or find green images. The color green can reduce the stress response in your system and help you relax and not be as reactive.

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Volunteer to take the lead.

  1. Becoming a leader of other people will give you meaning and focus. Proactive people don’t sit on the sidelines or just listen to other people’s suggestions. Take action and start actively participating, whether it’s by providing input during job meetings or coming up with your own plans for family activities.[15]
    • Never shy away from an opportunity to be in charge. Getting comfortable with taking responsibility for others will really help you grow as a person.

Be empathetic and explore new perspectives.

  1. Don’t let your proactiveness keep you from listening to others. If you're having trouble understanding someone's side of things or just want to get a more accurate picture, consider the other person's viewpoint. Empathy will help prevent you from only seeing one side of things.[16]
    • For example, if an employee or coworker is always showing up late to work, try to understand why this might be happening. Do they have children that need to be driven to school? Do they have reliable transportation? Try seeing the issue from their viewpoint.
    • If someone is rude to you at work, try to remind yourself that everyone is doing the best that they can. Not everyone has emotional intelligence or a support system that makes them feel loved and appreciated.[17]
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Pacific Life Coach
    Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Pacific Life Coach

    Our Expert Agrees: 90 percent of what people say or do is about them, not you. Once you understand that, you can flip a situation around and better understand why the other person did or said what they did. If your child is difficult at home, think about what they might be going through at school or with their friends. Their situation outside of your house can affect what's happening inside your house.

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Interrogate your negative assumptions.

  1. Ask yourself what’s happening when you assume the worst. While it can be easy to make a snap judgment, it's important to get all the information before coming to a conclusion. Maintaining an open outlook will help you think more rationally and come up with better solutions.[18]
    • Maybe someone didn't respond to your text message — instead of assuming they just don't want to talk to you, consider that they may be super busy or don't have their phone on them.

Choose to see the bright side.

  1. A positive outlook makes it a lot easier to stay proactive. Not only is a positive outlook important for staying happy and healthy, it's also a key aspect in being proactive. Instead of attaching negative vibes to problems, try to stay positive and see them in a different light.[19]
    • When you start thinking negative thoughts, try to stop them as soon as you notice. Replace them with motivational, positive thoughts instead.
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About This Article

Jennifer Clark
Co-authored by:
Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Jennifer Clark. Jennifer Clark is an Evolution Coach and the Founder of Soulful Solutions, her life consulting business which helps both individuals and organizations evolve and grow into their full potential based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She has over 20 years of experience assisting over 8000 individuals with life consulting, workshop facilitation, and public speaking training. She received a Risk Management Certification from the Sprott School of Business in 2000, an Integrated Energy Therapy Master and Instruction Certificate in 2004, and an Assertiveness Coach Certificate in 2015. She earned a BA with Honors in Political Science from Queen's University in 1992. This article has been viewed 981,791 times.
24 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 86
Updated: September 26, 2022
Views: 981,791
Categories: Featured Articles | Maturity
Article SummaryX

To be proactive, start by considering potential changes and issues that might be coming up in the future. Be sure to stay on top of less-urgent tasks like cleaning, grocery shopping, and housework, and prioritize the most important tasks on a day-to-day basis. As you’re working on accomplishing tasks, try to focus on things within your control, and set realistic, time-bound goals for yourself. When you’re trying to troubleshoot, focus your efforts on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and do smaller, constructive tasks if you’re overwhelmed. To learn more about how to actively participate in conversations, keep reading the article!

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