Ever look at street-style pics of celebrities or spot a well-dressed person and wonder "How can I look like that?" The secret to becoming fashionable is so much easier than you think. Great style isn't about wearing the trendiest or most expensive clothes. In fact, you probably already have the keys to looking stylish in your closet right now. We'll walk you through easy tips to elevate any look from basic to chic to help you look instantly more fashionable.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Adopting A Fashionable Style

  1. 1
    Learn the basics of fashion. You might not have an idea of what it means to be fashionable. If you're unsure what constitutes a fashionable style, spend some time learning about fashion itself. You can do this by seeking out advice from friends and evaluating your own personality.
    • If you're unfamiliar with fashion, reading up on the latest styles might not be helpful. You may have difficulty understanding language and terminology. Instead of reading, ask a fashionable friend to take you on a shopping trip. Allow him or her to help you pick fashionable outfits that flatter your body type.[1]
    • Good fashion sense starts with your personality. Ideally, your choice in fashion should express something about you as a person.[2] Try jotting down a list of personality traits and passions you would like to see conveyed by your wardrobe.[3]
    • Try to pay attention to the design of clothing you try on and buy in stores. Who is the designer? What is his or her reputation in the fashion world? Why did he or she put a pocket on a particular place in a coat or pair of jeans? Why use two kinds of fabric instead of one? Try to do some research regarding these questions when you get home. Google the designer and read up on his or her artistic and professional goals.[4]
  2. 2
    Pay attention to fashion websites and blogs. If you want to be more fashionable, one great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and styles is to follow a variety of fashion blogs.[5] These websites can give you inspiration on how to become more fashionable.
    • Bookmark at least 3 fashion blogs or websites. Browse the sites a couple times a week and look for updates on fashion trends and styles.[6]
    • Instagram can also be a great resource if you want to be more fashionable. Follow Instagram bloggers whose style you admire. You can also try searching hashtags like #ootd (outfit of the day) for inspiration for new styles.
  3. 3
    Gather the basics. Trends come and go, but certain items will always be fashionable. Stock up on the basics and, from there, mix and match with accessories and other clothing items. For instance, a nice, clean, white tee is essential for both men and women. Pair it with jeans or trousers for a classic, minimalist look.
    • If you're a female, a little black dress will always be in style. Look for a basic black dress that is flattering on your body type. A knee-length black skirt is also a consistently fashionable option for women.
    • A black blazer, black trousers or dress pants, dark denim jeans, and a white button-down shirt are items that are always fashionable on both men and women. You can mix and match these with a variety of different clothing items to create many outfits.
    • A beige trench coat is a great look for winter and fall for both men and women. Cardigans are also nice for the colder months. Try to have both a white and black cardigan so you can match it with a variety of outfits.
    • For accessories, a pair of black pumps and a black leather bag are great options for women. They are consistently considered fashionable and will go with a variety of outfits.
    • Pearls and diamond studs are good, traditional jewelry options and tend to go with a lot of different outfits.
  4. 4
    Pick a style that's right for you. Fashion is highly versatile. At any given moments, a variety of different types of style are in season. Choose styles that you feel comfortable in and that match your personal taste.[7]
    • It's important to be fashionable in a way that speaks to you. If you prefer a more minimalist style, choose items that go with that theme. If you prefer more vibrant, patterned clothing items, choose fashionable items in that theme.[8]
    • You'll also notice your clothing items will start to blend together if you let your tastes dictate your style. Your clothing and accessory choices will be linked by your personal taste. If you choose a shirt that doesn't seem to go with anything, chances are you'll eventually buy a set of pants in the same style.
  5. 5
    Review your current wardrobe. Before making any new purchases, review what you have. You may be able to create new outfits using a combination of new and old items. You should also throw away or donate items that don’t fit or that you're unlikely to wear again as they're needlessly taking up closet space.[9] Items that you’ve never worn can also be donated.
    • What do you have and what do you lack? What fits your vision of your new, fashionable style? If you have a variety of cardigans, but no cute blouses or shirts to go under them, then focus on buying tops when you go shopping. Do you have a lot of casual pants but no dress pants or form-fitting pants? Place focus on buying trendier jeans and dress pants when you go out shopping.[10]
    • Pay attention to the condition of current clothing choices. Clothing with holes or that is stretched out is not fashionable. Considering tossing anything that's damaged beyond repair.
    • Try on clothing you haven't worn for awhile. As bodies change over time, you may find some of your clothes are too big or too small. Donate anything that no longer fits.
    • You should also consider getting rid of clothing items that no longer fit. If you have clothing you used to wear to clubs, for example, and are no longer much of a partier than maybe it's time to get rid of these items.
    • Consider new ways you can use old clothing before getting rid of them. For instance, find ways you can dress up a shirt that you haven't worn in a while.
  6. 6
    Shop online. While it makes sense to shop in stores as you can try outfits on, you may be able to get away with buying some items online. If you know your size fairly well, you may find great deals online. However, if you're unsure of your size you may want to go into a store. Returning an item you bought online can get expensive. You can also buy accessories, like purses and sunglasses, online for cheaper prices.[11]
    • If you are looking for cheaper prices online, consider buying clothes secondhand. Websites such as Poshmark and ThredUp offer stylish secondhand clothing options.[12]
  7. 7
    Follow trends with care. Trends do tend to fade out quickly. However, it can be fun to follow some trends that you have genuine interest in. Choose trends that you feel work with your personal style.[13] As trends fade quickly, don't overspend on trendy items as they do not need to withstand longterm use.
    • It can be fun to follow some trends, but keep in mind they tend to fade out quickly. If you feel personally drawn to a particular trend, follow it if you want. For example, if leggings look great on you feel free to buy a pair. However, don't spend a ton of money on a pair of leggings as they're likely to become less fashionable with time. Instead, go for a cheaper pair. While they'll likely wear down quicker, chances are this particular fashion item won't be a timeless addition to a fashionable wardrobe.[14]
    • Instead, spend more money on items, like the ones listed above, that have been consistently fashionable for years. You can incorporate these items into your existing wardrobe as trends change for years to come.[15]
    • Follow trends you can easily incorporate into your current wardrobe. If pale pink is one of the colors of the season and you have mostly red accessories, you might want to sit this one out. If another, more neutral shade, is also in style invest in a pair of pants or a vest in that color over pink.[16]
  8. 8
    Accessorize. Classic accessories can help your wardrobe stand out. Invest in nice accessories to compliment our clothing choices. This is a good place to splurge as a nice handbag or pair of shoes can instantly elevate an outfit.
    • Nice scarves, jewelry, watches, sunglasses, and other accessories can help your wardrobe shine.[17] Look for clearance sales on accessories in your favorite stores.[18]
  9. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Adopting a Fashionable Lifestyle

  1. 1
    Develop a signature scent. Having a nice scent associated with your presence can make you appear more fashionable. Try to develop a classy scent using perfume or scented lotion. Ask for samples of scents you like from a department store and try them all out before buying the one you like the most.
    • If you're masculine, choose a cologne that you use consistently. Look for a fragrance that blends with your natural odor. You can also combine or layer products to create a unique scent.[19] Make sure you don't use too much cologne, however, as this can be off-putting.
    • If you're feminine, try using scented lotion, perfume, shampoo, and conditioner all carry distinct scents. Choose a brand that is pleasant but not overpowering. Too much perfume or scent can be irritating to others.
  2. 2
    Adopt fashionable grooming habits. Your grooming habits can also help you become more fashionable. Focus on your hair, shaving habits, and makeup.
    • If you're masculine, shave on a regular basis. Keep your hair trimmed and brushed.
    • If you're feminine, neutral makeup is sometimes more flattering that dramatic colors. Stick to tones that match your skin. If you paint your nails, do so carefully. Make sure you avoid smearing the polish and redo the nails as needed when you notice the color fading or chipping.[20] Otherwise, keep your nails clean and clear.
  3. 3
    Create a fashionable home. Being fashionable goes beyond clothing and make-up. You should also strive to create a fun and fashionable home environment. You can search sites like Pinterest for inspiration. Then, pick out similar items from a discount home-goods store.
    • Line drawers in your home with scented, patterned paper. This can be a fun way to make your home cute and fashionable.[21]
    • If you work in an office, consider bringing in personal business cards and pens. This can be a fun way to add flare to your personal style.[22]
  4. 4
    Go to fashion exhibits. A fun way to live a fashionable lifestyle is attending fashion exhibits. Watch for fashion related exhibits at local art galleries. Make a day trip to a big city if a big fashion exhibit is coming into town. This can help you stay up-to-date on trends while having a sense of the history behind fashion.[23]
  5. 5
    Use personalized stationery. Instead of using store bought cards or e-cards, invest in a personal stationery. Send people handwritten notes for birthdays and holidays. This can be a fun way to be fashionable and help the people around you feel valued.[24]
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining Style

  1. 1
    Have a regular barber or hairdresser. See a barber or hairdresser on a regular basis to work on your personal style. A nice hair style can help you stay fashion forward. Don’t be afraid to change up your look every now and again, though!
    • For masculine people, a reliable barber can help you work on your personal style. They can can choose a haircut that's flattering for your facial features. A barber can also give you advice on hair products to use.[25]
    • For feminine people, going to a hair salon once every couple of months can help you maintain a flattering hairstyle. Talk to your stylist and what cuts and styles would look best on you. Ask them about what products to use as well.
  2. 2
    See a tailor. Having a tailor you trust can help you stay fashionable. You can have clothing items altered or repaired to fit your style and taste. It may be somewhat pricey, but if you're paying for tailor service on high-quality items they'll end up lasting you a long time.[26]
    • Vintage and discount designer items can easily be tailored to fit you, so long as they don’t have intricate beading or a complicated pattern.
  3. 3
    Wash your clothing with care. High quality clothing should be washed with some care. Proper laundering can help your clothes last longer.
    • Separate clothing items before washing based on color, especially dark colored clothes. For example, reds should be washed separately from blues.[27]
    • Wear clothes a few times before washing them. This helps maintain color and shape. Allow expensive items to air dry after washing. It's a good idea to invest in a drying rack.[28]
    • If you notice stains in clothing, work on blotting them out rather than rubbing. This will stop the stains from spreading.[29] If you notice a grease or oil stain on a silk item, sprinkle baby powder on it and let it absorb the stain overnight.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    How can I be a stylish person?
    Alice Wu
    Alice Wu
    Image Consultant
    Alice Wu is an Image Consultant and Personal Stylist based in San Francisco, California. She is the Owner of Styled by Alice, an image consulting service offering private styling services for men and women. Focused on personalizing the styling experience, Alice provides closet edits, personal shopping, wardrobe planning, and other services such as event styling.
    Alice Wu
    Image Consultant
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    As a first step, take an inventory of the clothes that you gravitate towards in your closet. Try to get a really good idea of the things you want to wear all the time. You should also find what clothes you don't wear or don't feel good wearing. For style inspiration, find photos on Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever site you browse often. Take screenshots of the outfits that speak to you and notice if there are any style alignments among the photos. As a basic rule of thumb, a nice pair of shoes will always take you a long way.
  • Question
    How do I find my style?
    Alice Wu
    Alice Wu
    Image Consultant
    Alice Wu is an Image Consultant and Personal Stylist based in San Francisco, California. She is the Owner of Styled by Alice, an image consulting service offering private styling services for men and women. Focused on personalizing the styling experience, Alice provides closet edits, personal shopping, wardrobe planning, and other services such as event styling.
    Alice Wu
    Image Consultant
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    Look at photos from magazines and determine what styles really speak to you. Notice how each outfit aligns or if there are any common elements among all the inspiration photos. Think of how you can bring those elements that you like into your own wardrobe.
  • Question
    How can you express your individuality through fashion?
    Candace Hanna
    Candace Hanna
    Professional Stylist
    Candace Hanna is a stylist and style expert based in Southern California. With 16 years of experience in the corporate fashion and personal styling realms, she runs Style by Candace, a personal styling agency that focuses on helping individuals find their personal expression through clothing. Her work has been featured in magazines such as Shoutout LA and VoyageLA.
    Candace Hanna
    Professional Stylist
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    Fashion is about the times and what the trends dictate, and what the world is telling you. But style is about you, your silhouettes, and your day-to-day preferences. Focus on your preferences and the colors and patterns you like. Dress according to your body type to express your individuality. Bypass what fashion tells you to do if it does not suit you.

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  1. http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2009/12/learning-about-fashion/
  2. Alice Wu. Image Consultant. Expert Interview. 12 June 2020
  3. http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2009/12/learning-about-fashion/
  4. http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2009/12/learning-about-fashion/
  5. Alice Wu. Image Consultant. Expert Interview. 12 June 2020
  6. http://www.askmen.com/scent/attraction/top-10-habits-of-stylish-men_2.html
  7. Alice Wu. Image Consultant. Expert Interview. 12 June 2020
  8. Candace Hanna. Professional Stylist. Expert Interview. 12 April 2019.
  9. Alice Wu. Image Consultant. Expert Interview. 12 June 2020
  1. http://scottalanturner.com/9-tips-for-looking-fashionable-on-a-budget/
  2. http://scottalanturner.com/9-tips-for-looking-fashionable-on-a-budget/
  3. Alice Wu. Image Consultant. Expert Interview. 12 June 2020
  4. Candace Hanna. Professional Stylist. Expert Interview. 12 April 2019.
  5. https://smartasset.com/personal-finance/3-ways-to-follow-fashion-trends-without-going-broke
  6. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/
  7. https://smartasset.com/personal-finance/3-ways-to-follow-fashion-trends-without-going-broke
  8. Candace Hanna. Professional Stylist. Expert Interview. 12 April 2019.
  9. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/
  10. http://www.askmen.com/scent/attraction/top-10-habits-of-stylish-men_3.html
  11. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/
  12. https://deliver.glamour.com/gallery/6-ways-to-feel-more-fashionable
  13. https://deliver.glamour.com/gallery/6-ways-to-feel-more-fashionable
  14. https://deliver.glamour.com/gallery/6-ways-to-feel-more-fashionable
  15. https://deliver.glamour.com/gallery/6-ways-to-feel-more-fashionable
  16. http://www.askmen.com/scent/attraction/top-10-habits-of-stylish-men_10.html
  17. http://www.askmen.com/scent/attraction/top-10-habits-of-stylish-men_6.html
  18. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/
  19. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/
  20. http://www.moneycrashers.com/make-clothes-look-expensive-fashionable/

About This Article

Candace Hanna
Co-authored by:
Professional Stylist
This article was co-authored by Candace Hanna. Candace Hanna is a stylist and style expert based in Southern California. With 16 years of experience in the corporate fashion and personal styling realms, she runs Style by Candace, a personal styling agency that focuses on helping individuals find their personal expression through clothing. Her work has been featured in magazines such as Shoutout LA and VoyageLA. This article has been viewed 105,700 times.
6 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 27
Updated: January 17, 2023
Views: 105,700
Categories: Fashion Styles | Fashion
Article SummaryX

If you want to be more fashionable, spend some time learning about different styles and find the one that fits you best. Read up on the latest styles on fashion websites or blogs. You can also ask a fashionable friend to take you on a shopping trip. While trends come and go pretty quickly, certain items will always be fashionable, so stock up on some basic items, like a little black dress, dark denim jeans, a crisp white tee, and a white button-down shirt. Classic accessories can also help upgrade your current wardrobe, so get a nice handbag, some chic scarves, or a new pair of sunglasses. To learn how to adopt a fashionable lifestyle, keep reading!

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