If you want to become an interrogator, there are a few different paths you can pursue. You may have a hard time finding a job with the title "interrogator," but there are many careers in the military, federal government, and local police departments that will put your interrogation skills to good use. Your interrogation skills might also lead you down an entirely different career path.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing a Career Path

  1. 1
    Decide if you want to serve in the armed forces. The various branches of the United States Military offer careers in the field of intelligence gathering, such as Human Intelligence Collector for the U.S. Army. These careers may not focus solely on interrogation, but you will likely be required to use your interrogation skills in order to get information vital to national security.[1]
    • If you are considering a career in the military, speak to a recruiter to learn more about the requirements and the availability of positions that interest you.
    • Be prepared to be deployed if you join the military.
    • Many military careers that involve interrogation require years of experience, so you will probably have to be willing to work your way up from a lesser position
  2. 2
    Think about a career on the police force. If you are interested in interrogating criminals and working to protect your local community, a job as a police officer might be right for you.
    • You will most likely have to start your career as a patrol agent, but will then have the opportunity to work your way up to become a detective, which will involve more interrogation of suspects, as well as interviewing of witnesses and victims.[2]
  3. 3
    Consider working for a federal agency. If elements of military and police work both appeal to you, you might want to consider a career with a federal agency like the FBI or CIA. These agencies have special task forces devoted the nation from threats like terrorism and espionage.[3]
    • As with military and police careers, you will probably have to be willing to work your way up from a lower position before you are able to use your interrogation skills as much as you would like.
    • These agencies are extremely selective and entrance into their training programs is highly competitive, so it may be wise to have a backup plan in case you are not accepted.
  4. 4
    Consider related careers. If working for the military, the federal government, or a police department does not appeal to you, think about other careers that might utilize your talent for interrogation. Consider exactly what it is about interrogation that intrigues you in order to find a career that suits you.
    • Trial attorneys need to be great questioners in order to successfully evaluate jurors, conduct depositions, and question witnesses.[4]
    • Investigative reporters need to know how to get people to provide truthful answers on important and often sensitive topics.[5]
    • Psychologists and psychiatrists must know how to ask the right questions and how to interpret people's responses in order to effectively treat their patients. Forensic psychologists consult with law enforcement and testify as experts on issues related to psychology for criminal and civil cases.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Qualifying for a Position

  1. 1
    Complete the necessary educational requirements. Educational requirements vary greatly based on what your exact career aspirations are.
    • In order to be accepted in the military, you will need a high school diploma, although you might have an easier time advancing to a higher position if you have a college degree.
    • If you want to become a police officer, you may need only a high school diploma, but an associate's or bachelor's degree in criminal justice or a related field might make you a more competitive candidate. College degrees are required in some jurisdictions, so check with your local department.[7]
    • A bachelor's degree is typically required in order to be considered for a job with a federal agency. There is no specific major required, but you should think about how your studies will benefit you in your future career. Possible majors include psychology, criminal justice, and international studies.[8]
    • Even if a college degree is not needed for your chosen career path, it might benefit you, especially if you want to continue to advance in your career.
    • If you choose to pursue a different career path related to interrogation, like becoming a lawyer, a psychologist, or a reporter, you will have to complete the specific educational requirements for those careers.
  2. 2
    Learn a foreign language. While not required, you will be much more marketable as an interrogator for the military or federal agencies if you speak a foreign language, especially an in-demand language such as Arabic, Mandarin, Farsi, or Russian.[9]
    • Foreign languages are also important for police officers, as you may often encounter witnesses, victims, and suspects who do not speak English.
    • Studies also suggest that people who learn a second language develop mental flexibility, which is an important skill for interrogators.
  3. 3
    Hone your communication skills. Stand out from the crowd of applicants by becoming an exceptional communicator. This skill will be helpful to you as you work towards becoming an interrogator.
    • Work on both written and verbal communication skills. There are many high school and college courses that are designed to help in this area, including English classes and public speaking classes.
    • Learn assertive communication. Assertive communication involves many things, including making eye contact; speaking in clear, direct statements; remaining calm; using appropriate body language; and expressing yourself clearly and openly.[10] Being able to directly confront people whom you are interrogating, handle resistance calmly, and develop alternative modes of questioning will serve you well as an interrogator.
    • Taking courses in psychology, particularly those related to behavioral studies, may also help you learn to communicate effectively in a way that will benefit you as an interrogator.
  4. 4
    Demonstrate strong analytical abilities. The U.S. military looks for individuals who are analytical and skilled at reading charts.[11]
    • Taking math and science classes may help you improve in these areas. You can also improve your skills by working at a job that requires you to read charts and analyze data.
  5. 5
    Have a clean record. Having a criminal record will make it much more difficult for you to get a job as an interrogator because most of these jobs are in law enforcement or the armed forces.
    • It may not be impossible to pursue your career goals with a criminal record, depending on what the charges are. The U.S. military, for example, will consider applicants who have felonies on their records if they submit a waiver request along with several letters of recommendation.[12]
    • If you have a criminal record, make sure to check with the specific agencies or departments that you are interested in working for in order to determine if you are eligible for employment.
    • Poor driving records and poor credit may also disqualify you from working for certain police departments. These standards vary greatly from department to department.[13]
  6. 6
    Be in excellent physical shape. In order to be accepted into the police academy or complete basic training for the military, you will need to demonstrate that you are physically fit enough to perform the job.
    • The requirements are strenuous, and typically include running a set distance, performing a set number of push-ups, and performing a set number of sit-ups, all within a specific amount of time. Be sure to look into the specifics of the tests you need to take and begin training well in advance.[14]
    • In addition to physical fitness, there may be other physical requirements for acceptance into the military or a law enforcement agency, including vision requirements. Contact the agency or department that you want to work for to find out if there are any restrictions that may make you ineligible for employment.[15]
  7. 7
    Be able to pass a psychological test. For some careers, including many in law enforcement, you will need to pass a pre-employment psychological evaluation. The test is meant to gauge your mental aptitude for police work and screen for characteristics that are considered undesirable for law enforcement agents, such as poor impulse control.
  8. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting a Job

  1. 1
    Prepare for tests. In order to be considered for many careers with the military or in law enforcement, you will be required to take a written test. These are typically very competitive, so be sure to research the topics that will appear on the tests and prepare yourself accordingly.
    • Many police departments use the National Police Officer Selection Test (POST), which tests your reading, writing, and math skills.[16]
    • The military has its own series of aptitude tests, known as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Depending on the job you want, you may have to take some of the following tests: General Science (GS); Arithmetic Reasoning (AR); Word Knowledge (WK); Paragraph Comprehension (PC); Numerical Operations (NO); Coding Speed (CS); Auto and Shop Information (AS); Mathematics Knowledge (MK); Mechanical Comprehension (MC); Electronics Information (EI); and Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension (VE).
    • If you want to become an FBI agent or a CIA agent you will be required to take a series of written tests that assess your personality. You will also be subjected to detailed background checks.
  2. 2
    Excel at training. For most careers you will pursue as an interrogator, you will be required to undergo an intensive training program, during which you will learn interrogation techniques and many other skills you will need to know for your job. Once you are accepted into a training program, you will have the chance to show your superiors that you are a great candidate.
    • Stay strong under the pressure and use training as an opportunity to shine.
    • You should expect to take more training courses on various topics throughout your career.
  3. 3
    Get a job assignment. You will have to look into the exact process for getting a job in the field that you want. For many interrogator jobs, you will be placed on a list based on your test scores and training performance, and will be offered jobs for which you qualify as they become available. Alternatively, you may be asked to submit an application to multiple departments.[17]
    • If you are joining the military, a recruiter should be able to explain the exact process of getting an assignment.
    • If you are working to become a police officer or federal agent, you should ask the person administering your exam or someone at the training facility about the process.
    • If you decide to pursue a career in a field that does not require aptitude tests and training academies, you will likely have to search for a job online, by attending career fairs, or by networking with other professionals.
  4. 4
    Work your way up. As with most careers, you will need to put a lot of work into getting your foot in the door, and then even more work into advancing to a better position.
    • Always be on the lookout for advancement opportunities in your organization. If there is a test available for a position that interests you, take it.
    • Use every opportunity you can find to show your superiors that you are a skilled interrogator. Find ways to put your skill to work in your current position, even if interrogation isn't your primary duty.
    • Seek out training opportunities related to interrogation that are offered by your organization. Even if you are not required to take a class, show interest and initiative by taking it voluntarily.
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About This Article

Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 73,399 times.
17 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: February 19, 2023
Views: 73,399
Categories: Legal Careers
Article SummaryX

Becoming an interrogator takes a lot of hard work, but it can a useful skill if you want to work for the military, government, or police. Depending on the career path you want to take, you may need a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field. In the meantime, hone your ability to be assertive, such as making eye contact, speaking in clear, direct statements, and remaining calm in any situation. Keep reading to learn tips from our reviewer on how learning a second language could help improve your chances!

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