Calling CQ on the Ham Bands means you want to talk to any station anywhere that might be listening. If you call CQ, be prepared for anyone to answer. You may get lucky and snag a foreign(DX)station. If you want to work foreign stations(DX) call CQ DX. This lets stateside stations know not to answer your call.


  1. 1
    Look for a clear frequency by transmitting by asking "Is this frequency in use". If on CW, use QRL. Wait 30 seconds or so then transmit the same message again. If the frequency is clear, proceed to step 2.
  2. 2
    Start your call- CQ CQ CQ Calling CQ. This is (your call sign)calling. Repeat this three times. It should look like this:
  3. 3
    "CQ CQ CQ this is <your FCC call sign>"
  4. 4
    "CQ CQ CQ this is <your FCC call sign>"
  5. 5
    "CQ CQ CQ this is <your FCC call sign>"
  6. 6
    Now wait 30 to 60 seconds. If no one answers, start again.
  7. 7
    If a station comes back to you but you are not sure of the his or her call sign, do not use the cw pro-sign of QRZ? That means "Is there a station calling me?" Rather, use standard English of "Please again with your call sign" If necessary, use the standard military phonetic alphabet of give your call sign. For example, a call sign of W8XXX would be "whiskey 8 x-ray, x-ray, x-ray over" Do not use fancy or unfamiliar phonetics that may not be understood by the calling station.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    When I was in the service, an amateur radio operator on-board our ship would facilitate calls home with the following statements: "This is WA2PQX. C.Q. stateside, C.Q. stateside, C.Q. stateside. Kilo C, Kilo C, Kilo C." There was other chatter, but I cannot remember it. What did this mean?
    Nick Stokes
    Nick Stokes
    Community Answer
    This means that WA2PQX want only stations in the lower 48, and in this case WA2PQX only wants people in his own country (USA).
  • Question
    How do I answer a call on a radio station?
    Nick Stokes
    Nick Stokes
    Community Answer
    First, listen to the station calling and see if they're looking for something specific, like a continent, country (USA or K, W, or N), state (Florida or FL), or call area 0 thru 9. Then, you call them and wait 5 to 10 seconds for them to call back. If they call any letter or number in your callsign, then you call back with your callsign slower and clearer. Then, you give basic information like a signal report and location (nearest big city). After that, you can either chat or part ways and find someone else to call.
  • Question
    Should I use "Radio Check" instead? I expect someone to reply to me with his callsign and QTH after I initiate a radio check?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can, although it is more common on repeaters, whereas on shortwave (HF) calling CQ and answering someone else's CQ are the common methods used.


  • Be sure to state your call sign every 10 minutes and at the end of your transmission.
  • It may help to use the term "over" at the end of your transmission so that the other station knows its his or her turn to transmit.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 21 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 114,638 times.
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Co-authors: 21
Updated: November 13, 2022
Views: 114,638
Categories: Amateur Radio